GitLab command-line interface
Requires Node.js. Install the package globally:
npm install -g gitlab-cmd
This will add gitlab
to the command-line.
In your ~/.gitconfig
, you'll need to setup the Gitlab url and a personal access token:
url =
token = 1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j
In the root of your project folder, create a file called gitlab.config.json
and point it to your project's name:
"repo": "",
"defaultBranch": "master"
Pro Tip: You can also run gitlab init
to quickly spin up a new repo.
To test if it works, run gitlab --project
and you should see a JSON object that contains details about your project.
Other options
You can specify a user
option in your gitconfig to omit namespacing repo
. This is generally not recommended, but has some use cases. You can also specify a project's ID in repo
"repo": 12345
Usage: gitlab [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-P, --project Display project details
-L, --labels Display a list of project labels
-M, --milestones Display a list of project milestones
-B, --boards Display a list of project issue boards
-U, --users Display a list of users
-h, --help output usage information
init Initialize repository
issue|i <ids...> Edit issues
merge|mr <ids...> Edit merge requests
list|ls <type> Display list of issues or merge requests
new|n <type> Create a new issues or merge requests
query <queryString> Query the Gitlab API
branch List or create branches
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]
gitlab issue
$ gitlab issue <id> [options]
Edit issue details. Provide an ID to edit a single issue. Provide multiple IDs to batch edit.
$ gitlab issue 138 --add-label "Bugfix" --remove-label "Feature"
$ gitlab issue 12 16 21 --close
-i, --info List out all data for this issue as a JSON object
-c, --close Close issue
-s, --state [close|reopen] Set issue state
-a, --assign <id|username> Assign issue to user
-b, --board Show which board issue belongs to
-m, --move [board] Move issue to board
--ls-labels List issue labels
--add-label <label> Add label
--remove-label <label> Remove label
--edit-title Edit issue title
--md-description Translate description from markdown to HTML
gitlab merge
$ gitlab merge <id> [options]
Edit details or accept merge requests. Provide an ID to edit a single issue. Provide multiple IDs to batch edit.
$ gitlab merge 13 --merge
$ gitlab merge 5 9 10 --add-label "Staging"
-i, --info List out all data for this merge as a JSON object
-c, --close Close merge request
-s, --state <close|reopen> Set merge request state
-a. --assign <id|username> Assign merge request to user
-m, --merge Accept merge request and merge into target branch
--ls-labels List merge request labels
--add-label <label> Add label to merge request
--remove-label <label> Remove Label from merge request
--edit-title Edit merge request title
--status Check merge request status
--wip Toggle "Work in Progress" status
gitlab list
Returns a list of all open issues or merges
$ gitlab list merges
$ gitlab list issues --filter labels "Bugfix"
-f, --filter <type> <query> Filter issues by parameter
gitlab new
Creates a new issue or merge.
$ gitlab new merge
$ gitlab new issue --title "Really important bug" --labels "Bugfix"
-t, --title <title> Set title (required)
-d, --desc <description> Set description
-m, --milestone <milestoneID> Set milestone
-l, --label <label> Set label
-u, --assignee <id|username> Assign to user
--target <branch> Target branch (required)
--source <branch> Source branch (default: current branch)
--remove-branch <boolean> Remove source branch? (default: true)
-P, --prompt Create via interactive prompt
gitlab branch
Manage your project's branches
$ gitlab branch --list
$ gitlab branch --new issue/123-new-feature-branch
$ gitlab branch --delete bugfix/321-really-bad-idea
--list List project branches
--new <branch_name> Create a new branch from current
--delete <branch_name> Delete a branch
gitlab close
Close a batch of issues. Basically a shortcut for gitlab issue [ids] --close
$ gitlab close 12 13 14
gitlab query
Allows you to query the GitLab API using a query string. It will return a JSON object with your results
$ gitlab query issues?state=closed
$ gitlab query merge_requests?labels=Staging,Feature
$ gitlab query "issues?search=Really obscure bug"