A github starter fetcher.
This command-line buddy lets you fetch releases on github. You can fetch any releases you want but this application was made specifically for releases representing a starter. A starter is just a github release of a repository containing files that represent an initial state of a given project. This initial state may contain placeholders (of the form %foo%
) both in filenames or in files' content. So for instance if you have %app-name%
in your starter, github-fetch-starter
will prompt for you to specify a value for app-name
and every placeholder %app-name%
in the starter will get replaced with this value before made available on your filesystem. This application helps you resolve these placeholders, so not only you can start afresh but also you can make modular starters to help quickly set-up a new project.
sudo npm i -g github-fetch-starter
# or
# sudo yarn global add github-fetch-starter
github-fetch-starter --username vdegenne --app-name myapp node-typescript-starter
# or with aliases :
# github-fetch-starter -u vdegenne -n myapp node-typescript-starter
# or prompting for an application name :
# github-fetch-starter -u vdegenne node-typescript-starter
This above command fetches the last release of the repository vdegenne/node-typescript-starter
, unpacks the archive in a freshly new made directory called myapp
, and prompts for the placeholders to replace if found any.
You can also specify a version :
github-fetch-starter -u vdegenne -v v1.1.0 -n myapp node-typescript-starter