Framework to get users and organization commit stats from github
Framework to get users and organization commit stats from github
A simple framework to get users and organization commit stats from github. Can filter stats by a date range. Can be used to integrate, git stats into a dashboard.
Inspired by one of Fred George's talk on Programmer Anarchy, in which his team has a dashboard indicating commits for a week.
npm install git-commits
###Get all GitHub repository commits for a user
var gitCommits = require("git-commits");
var gitConnection = gitCommits.Connect();
var options = {};
var owner = {name:"tjchaplin",type:"users"};
//repositories will be an array of all repositories for user "tjchaplin"
//with a numberOfCommits defined for each repository
###Get all GitHub repository commits for an org
var gitCommits = require("git-commits");
var gitConnection = gitCommits.Connect();
var options = {};
var owner = {name:"github",type:"orgs"};
//repositories will be an array of all repositories for org
//with a numberOfCommits defined for each repository
###Get all GitHub repository commits for a user with a date filter
var gitCommits = require("git-commits");
var gitConnection = gitCommits.Connect();
var owner = {name:"tjchaplin",type:"users"};
//options can contain any of number of the below properties
var options = {sinceDate:"2013-05-05T00:00:00Z",untilDate : "2013-05-05T23:59:59Z"};
//repositories will be an array of all repositories for user
//with a numberOfCommits defined for each repository
###Get all GitHub repository commits for an org with a date filter
var gitCommits = require("git-commits");
var gitConnection = gitCommits.Connect();
var owner = {name:"github",type:"orgs"};
//options can contain any of number of the below properties
var options = {sinceDate:"2013-05-05T00:00:00Z",untilDate : "2013-05-05T23:59:59Z"};
//repositories will be an array of all repositories for the org
//with numberOfCommits defined for each repository
###Get all GitHub repositories for a user
var gitCommits = require("git-commits");
var gitConnection = gitCommits.Connect();
gitConnection.getOwnerRepositories("tjchaplin", function(repositories){
//repositories will be an array of all repositories for user "tjchaplin"
//Same as above but using the owner object:{"name": "aGitUserName"}
var owner = {name:"tjchaplin";
gitConnection.getOwnerRepositories(owner, function(repositories){
//repositories will be an array of all repositories for user "tjchaplin"
//Same as above but explicitly defining the owner object for a user type:{"name": "aGitUserName","type":"users"}
var owner = {name:"tjchaplin",type:"users"};
gitConnection.getOwnerRepositories(owner, function(repositories){
//repositories will be an array of all repositories for user "tjchaplin"
###Get all GitHub repositories for an org
var gitCommits = require("git-commits");
var gitConnection = gitCommits.Connect();
var owner = {name:"github",type:"orgs"};
gitConnection.getOwnerRepositories({name:"github",type:"orgs"}, function(repositories){
//repositories will be an array of all repositories for user "tjchaplin"
###Specify an authorization key to connect with GitHub
var gitCommits = require("git-commits");
//Can specify the GitHub api authorization key for the private or enterprise instance
var apiAuthorizationKey = "";
var gitConnection = gitCommits.Connect(apiAuthorizationKey);
###Specify an authorization key and Specific GitHub url to connect with
var gitCommits = require("git-commits");
//Can specify the GitHub api authorization key for the private or enterprise instance
var apiAuthorizationKey = "";
var gitHubUrl = ""
var gitConnection = gitCommits.Connect(apiAuthorizationKey,gitHubUrl);
###Specify an enterprise or private GitHub instance
var gitCommits = require("git-commits");
//Can specify the GitHub api authorization key for the private or enterprise instance
var apiAuthorizationKey = "";
var gitConnection = gitCommits.Connect(apiAuthorizationKey,"https://<ENTERPRISE-GITHUB-URL>");
//the framework can be used the same as the default connection
###Other Examples
For additional examples see the tests. To run them:
npm test
##Credits/Other Frameworks