A nodejs based cli which automates the creation of local and remote git repositories
Automate your git workflow!!!
Gone are the days when you used to create local and remote repo seperately
Git , Github
Table of Contents
gitesy -n <nameOfTheRepo>
Type this in your command prompt/terminal
npm i gitesy -g
please note - Install this as a global package otherwise this may not work as expected
To clone this repo use
git clone
When you clone this repo this is how your directory should look like
├── coverage
├── files
├── index.js
├── lib
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
└── templates
You can now create local as well as remote repo with a single command also you can use templates OR create your own template and add them so that you can use it later
Create a new repo
To create a local and remote repo use gitesy -n command with the name of the repo
gitesy -n test
After which if you are using this for the first time you will see a prompt for entering your credentials like this
Enter them and then you will get prompts asking details of the repo fill them and then it will automatically create the repo. Then you will get the message and start working on the project !!!!
If you are not using this for the first time you will see a prompt asking whether gitesy can use creds you entered previously
Add a new template
- To Add a template create a template add the features and then use this command from the same directory
gitesy -a <nameOfTheTemplate>
You can contribute to this project in various ways but let us follow the steps
Install standard npm package you can learn more about it here
npm install standard -g
check whether the package is currently installed or not by using the command
standard -h
Step 1
Option 1
- 🍴 Fork this repo!
Option 2
- 👯 Clone this repo to your local machine using
- 👯 Clone this repo to your local machine using
Step 2
- run the command
npm run lint
which will run the standard --fix command as mentioned earlier in the script of package.json this will run the linter and make the code standarised - HACK AWAY! 🔨🔨🔨
Step 3
- 🔃 Create a new pull request using
Ways to contribute
- Fix typo,
- Add documentation
- Add more templates. I am more experienced in node so i created node templates you can add other language templates and create a pr but please make the template in such a way that it tries to cover all genral cases