Git hooks made easy
A Git Hooks and Alias Node.js package with the goal to aid the version control process.
In development. Coming Soon!
alias <name> [value] create or update alias (<name>=[value]) config
a add
aa add .
br branch
bra branch --all
brr branch --remote
cl clone
clr clone --recursive
cm commit -a -m
cmd commit -a -m "auto commit by git-alias"
ch checkout
chb checkout -b
chm checkout master
chms checkout master && submodule foreach git checkout master
chd checkout develop
chds checkout develop && submodule foreach git checkout develop
cf config
cfl config --list
di diff
dic diff --cached
fe fetch
feo fetch origin
lg log --stat --color
lgg log --graph --color
me merge
med merge develop
mem merge master
pl pull origin
plm pull origin master
plms pull origin master && submodule foreach git pull origin master
pld pull origin develop
plds pull origin develop && submodule foreach git pull origin develop
Pls pull origin $1 && submodule foreach git pull origin $1
ps push origin
psm push origin master
psms push origin master && submodule foreach git push origin master
psd push origin develop
psds push origin develop && submodule foreach git push origin develop
re remote
rea remote add
reset remote set-url
rb rebase
rba rebase --abort
rbc rebase --continue
rbi rebase -i
rs reset
rsh reset HEAD
rshh reset HEAD --hard
st status
sts status -s
stsb status -sb
sta stash
staa stash apply
stad stash drop
stal stash list
stap stash pop
sm submodule
smi submodule init
smu submodule update
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]