A simple alternative to git submodules and npm linking.
A simple alternative to git submodules and npm linking.
Current version
Pending functionality
- push across all nested repos with commits pending
- pull across all repos
sudo npm install git-nez -g
Step 0
git nez -h
Step 1 - init
- This recurses for nested git repos starting at
or--root /home/me/git/faraway_tree
. - It generates a control file
containing details of the found repos. - The
should be committed. - It enables others in the team to generate an identical tree of cloned repos.
> git nez init
(init) scanning for git repositories in .
(found) ./.git
(found) ./node/node_modules/brix/.git
(found) ./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix/.git
(found) ./node_modules/nez/.git
(found) ./root/node_modules/elix/.git
(write) ./.nez_tree
Step 2 - status
- This step is being performed at another workstation
- Only the root repo has been checked out there.
- It uses the
control file to report on the status across all nested repositories that should be and/or are present.
> git nez status
(status) for all expected repositories in .
(skip) no change at .
(MISSING) repo: ./node/node_modules/brix
(MISSING) repo: ./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix
(MISSING) repo: ./node_modules/nez
(MISSING) repo: ./root/node_modules/elix
Step 3 - clone
- This clones all the missing repositories.
- It also checkouts the branches as specified in the
control file
> git nez clone
(clone) all missing repositories in .
(skip) already cloned .
(run) mkdir -p ./node/node_modules/brix
(run) git clone [email protected]:nomilous/brix.git ./node/node_modules/brix
Cloning into './node/node_modules/brix'...
(run) mkdir -p ./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix
(run) git clone [email protected]:nomilous/trix.git ./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix
Cloning into './node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix'...
(run) git --git-dir=./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix/.git --work-tree=./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix checkout feature/test
Switched to a new branch 'feature/test'
Branch feature/test set up to track remote branch feature/test from origin.
(run) mkdir -p ./node_modules/nez
(run) git clone [email protected]:nomilous/nez.git ./node_modules/nez
Cloning into './node_modules/nez'...
(run) git --git-dir=./node_modules/nez/.git --work-tree=./node_modules/nez checkout develop
Branch develop set up to track remote branch develop from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'develop'
(run) mkdir -p ./root/node_modules/elix
(run) git clone [email protected]:nomilous/elix.git ./root/node_modules/elix
Cloning into './root/node_modules/elix'...
(run) git --git-dir=./root/node_modules/elix/.git --work-tree=./root/node_modules/elix checkout develop
Switched to a new branch 'develop'
Branch develop set up to track remote branch develop from origin.
# doing it again has the expected result
> git nez clone
(clone) all missing repositories in .
(skip) already cloned .
(skip) already cloned ./node/node_modules/brix
(skip) already cloned ./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix
(skip) already cloned ./node_modules/nez
(skip) already cloned ./root/node_modules/elix
Important point
- The
control file specifies the branch that each repo should be on. - Running a clone will checkout that branch
> cd ./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix
> git checkout master
> cd -
> git nez clone
(clone) all missing repositories in .
(skip) already cloned .
(skip) already cloned ./node/node_modules/brix
(skip) already cloned ./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix
(run) git --git-dir=./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix/.git --work-tree=./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix checkout feature/test
Switched to branch 'feature/test'
(skip) already cloned ./node_modules/nez
(skip) already cloned ./root/node_modules/elix
Step 4 - status
- After modification in one of the nested modules
> git nez status
(status) for all expected repositories in .
(skip) no change at .
(skip) no change at ./node/node_modules/brix
(skip) no change at ./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix
(skip) no change at ./node_modules/nez
(change) ./root/node_modules/elix
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# modified: requirements/
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Step 5 - commit
- First it should be pointed out that this commit will enact a commit across all repos that have pending files staged (ie. files that were
git add <file>
ed) - This global commit may therefore not be ideal because it commits with a common log message for all.
- It is suggested that in most cases commits should be done manually in each repo
> cd ./root/node_modules/elix
> git add requirements/
> cd ../../
> git nez commit -m 'it propagates a config hup into the tree'
(commit) on all repositories with staged changes in .
(skip) no staged changes in .
(skip) no staged changes in ./node/node_modules/brix
(skip) no staged changes in ./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix
(skip) no staged changes in ./node_modules/nez
(run) git --git-dir=./root/node_modules/elix/.git --work-tree=./root/node_modules/elix commit -m it propagates a config hup into the tree
[develop 74d5db8] it propagates a config hup into the tree
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
# the new status as expected
> git nez status
(status) for all expected repositories in .
(skip) no change at .
(skip) no change at ./node/node_modules/brix
(skip) no change at ./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix
(skip) no change at ./node_modules/nez
(change) ./root/node_modules/elix
# On branch develop
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/develop' by 1 commit.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
Important point
- It may be that one of your repos has forgetccidentally been left checkedout on the wrong branch (according to the
control file) - The commit run will report this case of affairs and take no further action for that repo.
> cd ./root/node_modules/elix
> git checkout master
> cd -
> git nez commit -m 'shared commit log message'
(commit) on all repositories with staged changes in .
(skip) no staged changes in .
(skip) no staged changes in ./node/node_modules/brix
(skip) no staged changes in ./node/node_modules/brix/node_modules/trix
(skip) no staged changes in ./node_modules/nez
( SKIPPED ) ./root/node_modules/elix SHOULD BE ON BRANCH refs/heads/develop NOT refs/heads/master