Mantain synced all development branch no matter the machine by maching commit to any changes on the branch
How to use
install with npm install git-autosave-and-hooks Add to the packages.json scripts as "autosync": "./node_modules/git-autosave-and-hooks/" Run it npm run autosync
How it works
Note: it will never autocommit or push if the branch is master
Auto Commit
- every 3 to 8 seconds, the monitor with read for any new changes, if there are and you are not at the master branch, it will auto commit adding WIP - autosave message to the project.
Auto Push
- the monitor will detect if you local branch is up to date with the remote branch, if it is not updated it with new commit:
- it will verify if the branch is created in the remote, if not, it will push it
- anytime the local commit and the remote commit are different, it will automatically push the commits
Auto Pull
- any time there is diferences in local and remote, pull and push the last commits
Good to have, source: