Backend for downloading, storing and serving meteorological data.
Backend for downloading, storing and serving meteorological data.
git clone ...
Copy config.sample.json
to config.json
and adjust the settings to your environment.
"server": {
// Configuration settings affecting the restify instance
"port": 8080
// Toggle between mongoose for a mongodb database or sequelize for sql databases
"db": "mongoose",
"mongoose": {
"connString": "mongodb://localhost/gfs"
// Sequelize settings. modelOptions get passed to every model.
// Globally override settings like the schema for postgres.
"sequelize": {
"user": "gfs",
"database": "gfs",
"password": "foo",
"options": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 5432,
"dialect": "postgres"
"modelOptions": {
"schema": "weather",
"underscored": true
// Settings for the gfs downloader job.
"downloader": {
// Predefine the minimum start date when downloading. Defaults to the newest available files.
"latestUpdate": null,
// Where to store downloaded gfs files
"target": "/tmp/gfs-downloader",
// Which offset (in hours) to start downloading forecasts (multiple of 3)
"forecastStart": 0,
// Maximum offset of forecasts (multiple of 3)
"forecastEnd": 72,
// Fields (based on grib index files) to be downloaded.
"fields": [{
// If field names are given as array, they are combined into a single grid after downloading
"name": ["UGRD", "VGRD"],
"combinedName": "UVGRD",
// The surface as defined in the grib index
"surface": "10 m above ground",
// The resolution in degrees. Can be 2.5, 1, 0.5 or 0.25.
// Only 1 degree is supported at the moment
"resolution": 1
}, {
"name": "TMP",
"surface": "surface",
"resolution": 1
}, {
"name": "PRATE",
"surface": "surface",
// For non-regular grids, define "to-regular" as a post-processing step.
// This converts and downsamples (if needed) gaussian grids to regular latlng grids
"process": ["to-regular", 90, 0, 1, 1, 360, 181]
Standalone server
docker build gfs-server:latest .
docker run -i -t gfs-server:latest start
docker build gfs-server:latest .
docker run -i -t gfs-server:latest crond
Manually run a cron job
docker run -i -t gfs-server:latest crond -- --run-once download