An isomorphic rest client based on the Fetch API.
An isomorphic rest client based on the Fetch API.
npm add getta
You create an instance of the rest client with the createRestClient
function. The function takes numerous options, including the base path of the url for all requests, a cache for caching responses against the request, and a performance module to use for recording request durations. The full list of the options are detailed below.
import { Core } from '@cachemap/core';
import { init as map } from '@cachemap/map';
import { createRestClient } from 'getta';
import { performance } from 'node:perf_hooks';
const restClient = createRestClient({
basePath: '',
cache: new Core({
name: 'restClient',
store: map(),
type: 'example',
Rest client options
basePath: string
The base path of the url for all requests made from an instance of the rest client, i.e. ''
bodyParser?: (...args: any[]) => any
An optional callback to pass each response body through after it has been parsed by the stream reader.
cache?: Core
An instance of the @cachemap/core cache for caching responses against requests. Caching is only enabled on GET
requests. For more info on @cachemap/core see
enableConditionalRequests?: boolean
Enables conditional requests with If-None-Match header. Default is true
fetchTimeout?: number
How long to wait for a request to respond before timing out and returning an error. Default is 5000
headers?: Record<string, string>
Any headers to attach to every request.
log?: (message: string, data: PlainObject, logLevel?: LogLevel) => void
Log function to pass rest client logs to a logger.
maxRedirects?: number
The maximum number of times a request can redirect before the rest client returns an error. Default is 5
maxRetries?: number
The maximum number of times a request can retry before the rest client returns an error. Default is 3
optionalPathTemplateRegExp?: RegExp
An optional path template regex that can be used to clean up the template url. Default is /({\w+\?})/g
pathTemplateCallback?: (pathTemplate: string, data: Record<string, string>, pathTemplateRegExp: RegExp) => string
A callback that takes the path template, the data to be injected into the template, and the path template regex, and returns the templated url. There is a default template callback that will cater to most needs.
pathTemplateRegExp?: RegExp
A regex to tell the rest client where to inject data into the template. There is a default one that will cater to some needs. Default is /({type})|({id})|({id,\+})|({brief\|standard})/g
performance: Performance
The performance module to use for recording request durations.
queryParams?: PlainObject
Any query params to attach to every request.
rateLimit?: boolean
Whether to enable the rate limit feature.
rateLimitPerSecond?: number
How many requests per second to throttle the rest client. Default is 50
requestRetryWait?: number
How many milliseconds to wait before retrying a request. Default is 100
streamReader?: 'arrayBuffer' | 'blob' | 'formData' | 'json' | 'text'
The stream reader to use when parsing the response body. Default is 'json'
Making requests
The rest client supports GET
methods and has functions for each method. The first argument is the path to make the request to. This can also be a path template with variable placeholders that will be replaced with data passed in on the pathTemplateData
request option.
// GET
const getResponse = await restClient.get('/path/to/resource');
const postResponse = await'/graphql/api', {
body: JSON.stringify({ /* payload */ }),
// PUT
const putResponse = await restClient.put('/path/to/resource', {
body: JSON.stringify({ /* payload */ }),
const deleteResponse = await restClient.delete('/path/to/resource');
Request options
body?: ReadableStream | Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | string
and PUT
methods, the body to send with the request.
headers?: Record<string, string>
Any headers to attach to the request.
method?: 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete'
The fetch method.
pathTemplateData?: Record<string, string>
Data to be injected into the path template.
queryParams?: PlainObject
Any query params to attach to the request.
It is possible to alias a request and bake things like the path template and request options into the alias, reducing the number of options that need to be passed into a request.
import { createRestClient } from 'getta';
import { performance } from 'node:perf_hooks';
const restClient = createRestClient<'getProduct'>(
{ basePath: '', performance },
getProduct: [
method: consts.GET_METHOD,
pathTemplateData: { 'brief|standard': 'standard', type: 'product' },
const getResponse = await restClient.getProduct({ pathTemplateData: { 'id,+': '136-7317' } });
Check out the features, fixes and more that go into each major, minor and patch version.
Getta is MIT Licensed.