A good enough recommendation engine using the neo4j graph database
A good enough recommendation engine using the neo4j graph database
As noted above, you need access to neo4j for this plugin to work. To get neo4j up and running, check out their website.
# install ger-neo4j
npm install --save ger-neo4j
# require it in your app
var filter = require('ger-neo4j');
# initialize ger-neo4j
# * @param {array} categories - array of categories for the items - required
# * @param {array} items - array of items for the items - required
# * @param {object} config - config for the setup of neo4j; needs server, user, password properties
# to login to neo4j. Also accepts a frequency property to dictate when to clear the config.
# Set to 0 if you don't want a delay, or use the following format to use a custom timeframe:
# * @param {function} callback - a call back function that get's called on success or error
# **/
filter.init(Categories, Items, config, function(err, msg) {
if ( err ) {
} else {
Once initialized, you can do the following:
Add Category
# * @param {string} category - string of the name of the category
# * @param {function} callback - a call back function that send back an error if there is one
# **/
addNewCategory(category, cb)
Add Item
# * @param {string} item - string of the name of the item
# * @param {function} callback - a call back function that send back an error if there is one
# **/
addNewItem(item, cb)
Adding a relationship
# * @param {object} category, items - object containing a category property that takes a string
# and an items propetrty that takes an array
# **/
queueConfig({category: 'Category', items: ['items1', 'items2', 'items3']})
# NOTE: by default, these are added to a queuue that is cleared every hour unless
# dictated above in the config given to init
Asking for Recommendations
# * @param {object} category, items - object containing a category property that takes a string
# and an items propetrty that takes an array
# * @param {function} callback - a call back function that get's called on success with
# recommendations or an error
getRecommendations({category: 'Category', items: ['items1', 'items2']}, function(err, recommendations) {
if ( err ) {