Generate a Map Tile from a GeoTIFF File.
Generate a Map Tile from a GeoTIFF File.
npm install geotiff-tile
basic usage
import { createTile } from "geotiff-tile";
await createTile({
// bounding box of tile in format [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
bbox: [-122.49755859375, 38.8520508, -120.06958007812499, 40.697299008636755],
// spatial reference system of the bounding box
// as a EPSG Code number
bbox_srs = 4326,
// geometry to clip by in GeoJSON format
cutline: geojson,
// spatial reference system of cutline
// set to higher number to increase logging
debug_level = 0,
// how many points to add to each side of the bounding box if reprojecting
// optional, default is 100
density = 100,
// instance of geotiff.js
// function that accepts a pixel array of values of type
// ({ pixel }: { pixel: number[] }) => number[]
// layout using xdim layout syntax
layout = "[band][row,column]",
// resampling method
// round pixel values to integers
// optional
// override default nested tile array types
tile_array_types: ["Array", "Uint8ClampedArray"],
// optional
// if tile_array_types is not specified, choose
// the strategy for deciding which type of arrays
// auto - safest and default option, only uses typed array if it's sure there won't be any clamping
// geotiff - use the same array types that geotiff.js uses (good if not stretching min or max)
// untyped - use only untyped arrays
// undefined - same as auto
tile_array_types_strategy: "untyped",
// over-ride default "no data" value in output tile
tile_no_data: 0,
// projection of the tile
// as an EPSG code
tile_srs: 3857,
// tile height in pixel
tile_height: 512,
// width of tile in pixels
tile_width: 512,
// resolution of the tile
// from 0 (lowest) to 1 (highest)
tile_resolution: 0.5,
// whether to use overviews if available
// default is true
// setting to false will mean the usage of the highest resolution data
use_overview: false,
// optional, default is false
// enable experimental turbocharging via proj-turbo
turbo: false
advanced usage
over-riding geotiff no data value
If for some reason your geotiff has values that should be treated as no data, but this isn't properly set in the metadata, you can over-ride the no data value
await createTile({
geotiff_no_data: -32767,
// rest is the same
over-riding geotiff srs
If for some reason geotiff-tile can't parse the correct projection from your geotiff, you can manually specify the projection via the geotiff_srs parameter.
await createTile({
geotiff_srs: 3031,
// rest is the same
image pixel coordinates and simple srs
You can also select pixels using a "simple" spatial reference system where the bottom left of your data is the origin [0, 0] and the top-right corner is [width, height]. This is inspired by Leaflet's Simple CRS.
await createTile({
bbox: [128, 656, 144, 672],
bbox_srs: "simple",
// rest is the same
abort signal
You can cancel a request for tile data, by using an AbortSignal from an AbortController. This signal is passed to geotiff-read-bbox, which then passes it to geotiff.js.
const controller = new AbortController();
const promise = createTile({
signal: controller.signal
// rest is the same
// cancels the tile request above before the promise resolves