GeoStyler Style Parser implementation for Mapfile
GeoStyler Style Parser implementation for Mapserver Mapfiles
And install it with npm:
npm i geostyler-mapfile-parser
How to use
If the aim is to transform a Mapfile to another format, your Mapfile must contains only one LAYER per file.
import * as fs from 'fs';
import MapfileParser from 'geostyler-mapfile-parser';
const parser = new MapfileParser();
// Load a Mapfile file
const mapfile = fs.readFileSync('./mapfiles_folder/', 'utf8');
const { output: geostylerStyle } = await parser.readStyle(mapfile);
Writing a Mapfile from a Geostyler-Style object is currently not possible.
Command line
To transforms a file to another Geostyler style, use Geostyler-cli Short example of usage - Install and transform a Mapfile to a QGIS qml file, specifying a custom directory for symbols:
npm install -g geostyler-cli
geostyler -s sld -t qgis -o input.qml mapfile-symbols-path=./symbols.sym
Specify a symbols.sym file
If a symbolset tag is defined in your mapfile, this link will be followed to read symbols.
If it's not the case a symbols.sym
should be located from where you call the transformation.
You can set the default path with:
const parser = new MapfileParser();
parser.symbolsPath = '<a/path/to/symbols.sym>'
Alternatively, if you use this library through a script, you can set the path by adding the
command line option: mapfile-symbols-path=
Run tests
npm install
npm run test
Run MapServer to display features styles
Be sure you have:
Then run simply: make run
You can now show predefined mapfiles at this url:
Set the layers
param to display other layers (from layers defined in /data/mapfiles).
Funding & financial sponsorship
Maintenance and further development of this code can be funded through the GeoStyler Open Collective. All contributions and expenses can transparently be reviewed by anyone; you see what we use the donated money for. Thank you for any financial support you give the GeoStyler project 💞