cache tiled geojson files
Tiled cache for geoJSON data. This module allows you to add geoJSON data for certain OSM Tiles and to get the data for any kind of tile back.
Use standard npm installation
npm install --save geojson-tile-cache
In order to use the cache you have to create an instance of the tile cache.
cache = require('geojson-tile-cache'),
cacheInstance = cache('uniqueId', options);
The factory function accepts two inputs.
id (string) required, unique id the cache instance should have. This id allows you to share an instance between different modules. Whenever you instantiate a cache the first time, a new instance is generated. If you call the cache factory a second time with the same id, the first instance is returned.
options (object) optional, options to modify the behavior of the cache object. See the Options section for further details.
Every cache instance provides four different methods to work with the cache:
- add(tile, geoJSON): add data to the cache
- get(tile): get data from the cache
- has(tile): check if cache has data for the given tile
- getReferenceTiles(tile): get a list of tiles that is neccessary to provide the data for a given tile
All methods work with the following tile-format (see OSM tile format):
valid : true, // optional
x : 139507,
y : 90949,
z : 18
add(tile, geoJSON) : boolean
Add data to the cache for a given tile.
tile: Tile the data covers. Please note that the data needs to cover the complete tile and cannot provide parts of the tile. The tile z value also needs to be greater or equal to the refZoom value.
geoJSON: GeoJSON data that should be added for the tile. Although the data is not tested during the adding process, it is expected to be a geoJSON FeatureCollection object that contains all data as geoJSON features.
The add method returns a boolean value. True: data successfully added, false: problem occured during add process.
get(tile) : geoJSON
Get data for a given tile from the cache.
tile: Tile the data should be requested for. The tile z value is independent from the refZoom. The cache slices the geoJSON data if the z value describes a smaller tile than the refZoom does.
The get method returns a geoJSON object. If no data could be found or an error occurred, the return value is also a geoJSON object, but without features (empty FeatureCollection object).
has(tile) : boolean
Check whether the cache can provide data for the given tile or not. This is done by checking if the needed reference tiles are available nor not.
True: cache is covered with reference tiles to fulfill a request for the given tile False: reference tiles needed. A get() call with the same tile would result in an empty FeatureCollection object.
getReferenceTiles(tile) : tile[]
Get a list of all reference tiles needed to cover a given tile.
The returned tile list describes a list of all reference tiles that are needed for the given tile. There is no information if the tile is already available in the cache or not.
cacheAdd function (default: null)
Pass a custom cacheAdd function that is used whenever a reference tile should be stored in the cache. This method will be called whenever Cache.add() is called. This method can be used to override the internal cache and provide a custom cache, like a database.
Note: if cacheAdd is added, cacheGet also needs to be implemented.
cacheGet function (default: null)
Pass a custom cacheGet function that is used whenever a reference tile should be loaded from the cache. This method will be called whenever a reference tile is needed. This method can be used to override the internal cache and provide a custom cache, like a database.
Note: if cacheGet is added, cacheAdd also needs to be implemented.
limits object (default: null)
The passed limit object describes a region the cache should work with.
Default: no borders (= whole world).
The limits object can contain four different values:
- xMin number: minimum x value of a tile
- xMax number: maximum x value of a tile
- yMin number: minimum y value of a tile
- yMax number: maximum y value of a tile
Please note that all passed values need to describe the x and y values of the refZoom. The values differ for each zoom level to describe the same region.
refZoom number (default: 13)
The cache works with an internal reference zoom. Whenever data is added, it is normalized to this zoom level. This reference zoom is used for the internal caching and/or for persistence.
All data passed to the cache needs to be in a larger or equal zoom level than the reference zoom. Retrieving data is possible in smaller zoom levels.
Default behavior: Cache.add() excepts only data for tiles with zoom level higher or equal to 13. Cache.get() excepts all kind of zoom levels.
There are several performance issues if you do not use the tile cache properly. Most of them can be eliminated by the use of proper options.
Correct refZoom
The correct refZoom depends on the usage of this module.
High refZoom (= small OSM zoom value, like 5) The higher the refZoom is, the faster data can be added to the cache. This should be considered if you have a small amount of data for a large region. Example: Town halls in Germany.
Low refZoom (= high OSM zoom value, like 15) The lower the refZoom is, the faster data can be provided by the cache. This should be considered if there is a lot of data for a small region. Example: buildings and streets
Add limits
Adding limits allows you to speed up the Cache.add() calls, especially for low refZooms. The default refZoom (13) contains 67,108,864 tiles. Splitting data into these tiles may take a long time. If you know in which region your data is located, you can limit the amount of tiles (e.g. to 1000) and therefore improve the performance.
Future Work
- better inline documentation
- zoom independent limits option (WGS84 coordinates instead of OSM tile values)
- better performance
- getReferenceTiles: returned tiles contain a flag whether the tile is already loaded or not.
Feel free to add issues or pull requests. I'm glad for every kind of feedback!