slice a set of features to fit within a certain bounding box
slice a given set of geojson features to fit within a certain bounding box
Use standard npm installation
npm install --save geojson-slicer
require the geojson-slicer function and call it with the required parameters
const slicer = require('geojson-slicer'),
geoJsonObject = {
type : 'FeatureCollection',
features : [ ... ]
bounds = [0, 1, 2, 3]; // compare geobound-object inputs
let group = slicer(geoJsonObject, bounds, {
cutFeatures : false
cut = slicer(geoJsonObject, bounds);
// group and cut describe GeoJSON-FeatureCollections with the same features.
// group contains the original features provided in geoJsonObject
// cut contains the features cutted at the borders of the given bounds
The slicer method accepts three parameters:
- Feature(s) (required)
- bounds (requried)
- Options (optional)
Feature(s) (required)
This property describes the input of features. There are three different ways to pass features:
Pass a list of features
type : 'Feature',
geometry : {
type : 'Point',
coordinates : [ ... ]
properties : { ... }
type : 'Feature',
geometry : {
type : 'LineString',
coordinates : [ ... ]
properties : { ... }
Pass a FeatureCollection
type : 'FeatureCollection',
features : [{
type : 'Feature',
geometry : {
type : 'Point',
coordinates : [ ... ]
properties : { ... }
type : 'Feature',
geometry : {
type : 'LineString',
coordinates : [ ... ]
properties : { ... }
Pass a single feature
type : 'Feature',
geometry : {
type : 'LineString',
coordinates : [ ... ]
properties : { ... }
Please note that the last way is only useful if you want to cut the privided feature by the borders.
bounds (requried)
Bounds the features should be sliced with. The format of the bounds need to be a valid input for a WGS84 bound object constructor call.
Options (optional)
You can pass additional options to control the behavior.
cutFeatures (default: true)
Cut Features to fit within bounds. If set to false, the complete feature is added instead of a part of the feature that lies within the given bounds.
filter (default: null)
Optional filter function to prevent a feature to be added to the sliced boundary. Input parameter of the passed function is the feature.
A boolean return value is expected:
- true: apply a boundary check and add the feature if it lies within the boundary,
- false: do not add this feature to the given bound, although it may lie within the boundary.
Passing no function applies the boundary check for each feature (same behavior than passing a function that returns true all the time).
Future Work
The following improvements are planned:
- add tests
- support Polygon with wholes
- support MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon and GeometryCollection
Feel free to add issues or pull requests. I'm glad for every kind of feedback!