Takes a geojson file and creates two files, one with the geojson and an id, the other a json object with the keys as values.
This is to split up a geojson file which may have a lot of attributes, and just give it one id attribute and another file which all or the specified fields which can then be joined to the other layer when/if required.
For an example of how to use it check see if it works with your geojson see the test directory and specifically the test.js file for a implementation.
Basically you require it and give it the first argument as a string path to your file and the second argument as the beginning of the file output.
So like in the sample if you do
var pairDown = require('../index.js');
var pair = pairDown('./test/testfile.geojson', './test/tester');
This will output in the test directory a file tester.geojson and testerfeats.json with the Basically geojson in one and the feature data in the json.
caveats: right now designed just to handle OSM files coming out of qgis in geojson format. only designed/tested with polygon features. a bunch of sloppy console.log ing
What's going on
In index js
Initialize all the filestreams
On each data event the first chunk gets called with startit() and the following ones with nextFeatStart()
startit starts making a file then starts to split it up