Your "geo related stuff" Swiss knife.
Your "geo related stuff" Swiss knife.
This library includes several tools to help you with geolocation, route finding, TSP and more.
bun add geobee
npm i geobee
This tool is used to get approximate location of the device. If you don't pass IP address to geolocate, it will use you current one (useful for websites).
// Geobee.geolocate([IP]) -> Location
const location = await Geobee.geolocate("")
// Can also be used in browser, will use users' IP
const location = await Geobee.geolocate();
Haversine distance
This tool allows you to get distance in meters "as the crow flies" (shortest distance through air).
Uses: haversine-distance NPM package
// Geobee.haversineDistance(pointA { lat, lng }, pointB { lat, lng }) -> Distance in meters
const distance = Geobee.haversineDistance([50.9, 12.1], [50.91, 12.0])
Uses open source routing machine
to find the route (driving) between two coordinates. The API is self-hostable. If you want, you can provide URL for your own instance, instead of using the official one.
! Please note that the array of coordinates is reversed in some places (for example getPath parameters) due to coordinate handling of OSRM, will remap later.
Uses: API
// OSRM.getPath(start { lng, lat }, end { lng, lat }) -> GeoJSON-formatted route and waypoints
const path = await new Geobee.OSRM().getPath([12.1, 50.9], [12.0, 50.91]);
// With custom instance
const path = await new Geobee.OSRM("http://localhost:5000").getPath([12.1, 50.9], [12.0, 50.91])
TSP Path Finder
Uses OSRM with TSP (Travelling salesman problem) algorithm to find the optimal path given starting point and multiple points we need to go to.
! Please note that the input array of coordinates is reversed due to coordinate handling of OSRM, will fix later.
Uses: API and TSP Algorithm
// TSP.findRoute(coordinates { lng, lat }[], start_index { number }) -> GeoJSON formatted route and waypoints
const path = await new Geobee.TSP().findRoute([[12.1, 50.9], [12.0, 50.91], [12.24, 49.12]], 0)
// With custom OSRM instance:
const path = await new Geobee.TSP(osrm).findRoute(...)
This will give you object with waypoints and route (which is array of invidual routes between places ordered to be the shortest total distance). The start_index parameter is used to mark in which point we start, making it the first one in the route.
You can also use the find
function (same usage), that will give you only the array with indexes of the places sorted to be shortest total distance (For example [0, 2, 1]). The first element is always equal to the start_index.
This project is licensed under MIT license. But please, respect and follow licenses of the invidual APIs that this project uses and don't blame me for anything, thanks.