A Node.js module with useful geo functions. Made with performance in mind.
Geo-lib module for fast calculations of distance, speed and heading
The start of my new geo-lib module. This Node.js module is built with performance and speed as priority one.
Why did I start this module? I need a module that is able to do millions of calculations every minute. This module is going to be developed according to these demands. I'll always be looking out for de-optimization inside the V8 engine.
If you don't follow instructions you will end up in Null Island
Howto get started using this module
$ npm install geo-lib --save
Then use it in your code.
To find the distance between 2 geo points:
let geoLib = require('geo-lib');
let result = geoLib.distance({
p1: { lat: 70.3369224, lon: 30.3411273 },
p2: { lat: 59.8939528, lon: 10.6450348 }
// {
// distance: 1468.2753298955777,
// unit: 'km',
// method: 'haversine',
// bearing: 218.03212341269622
// }
Or even in a simpler way:
let geoLib = require('geo-lib');
let result = geoLib.distance([
[70.3369224, 30.3411273],
[59.8939528, 10.6450348]
// {
// distance: 1468.2753298955777,
// unit: 'km',
// method: 'haversine',
// bearing: 218.03212341269622
// }
To find the distance and speed between 2 geo points:
let geoLib = require('geo-lib');
let result = geoLib.distance({
p1: { lat: 70.3369224, lon: 30.3411273 },
p2: { lat: 59.8939528, lon: 10.6450348 },
timeUsed: 86400 * 5
// {
// distance: 1468.2753298955777,
// unit: 'km',
// method: 'haversine',
// bearing: 218.03212341269622,
// timeUsedInSeconds: 432000,
// speedKph: 12.235627749129813,
// speedMph: 7.602864250104541,
// speedMpk: '4:54.22274637735927'
// }
Create new point in distance and bearing from a given point:
let geoLib = require('geo-lib');
const result = geoLib.createCoord([70.000, 30.000], 360, 10000);
// [ 70.08993216059186, 29.999999999999964 ]
Create new points between 2 given points:
let geoLib = require('geo-lib');
const result = geoLib.generatePoints([70.000, 30.000], [70.010, 30.010]);
// [
// [ 70.00085094723158, 30.000850779931362 ],
// [ 70.00170189040277, 30.001701629300936 ],
// [ 70.002552829513, 30.00255254811713 ],
// [ 70.00340376456182, 30.0034035363886 ],
// [ 70.00425469554865, 30.004254594123793 ],
// [ 70.00510562247304, 30.00510572133135 ],
// [ 70.00595654533441, 30.005956918019837 ],
// [ 70.00680746413225, 30.006808184197695 ],
// [ 70.00765837886604, 30.00765951987357 ],
// [ 70.00850928953531, 30.00851092505601 ],
// [ 70.00936019613945, 30.009362399753574 ]
// ]
Create new points between 2 given points with fixed distance:
let geoLib = require('geo-lib');
const result = geoLib.generatePoints([70.000, 30.000], [70.010, 30.010], 300);
// [
// [ 70.002552829513, 30.00255254811713 ],
// [ 70.00510562247304, 30.00510572133135 ],
// [ 70.00765837886604, 30.00765951987357 ]
// ]
To check if a point is inside a polygon:
let geoLib = require('geo-lib');
let result = geoLib.pointInsidePolygon([70.374164, 31.117401], [
[70.403203, 31.055603],
[70.364476, 31.089935],
[70.361707, 31.107788],
[70.363091, 31.132507],
[70.367244, 31.140747],
[70.375087, 31.154480],
[70.379699, 31.172333],
[70.387536, 31.179199],
[70.397214, 31.164093],
[70.403203, 31.129761],
[70.405506, 31.100922],
[70.405506, 31.062469],
[70.403663, 31.056976]
// true
To check if 2 polygons overlaps:
let geoLib = require('geo-lib');
let result = geoLib.polygonOverlapsPolygon([
60.21799, 10.40405,
59.36119, 8.80004,
59.21531, 11.39282
], [
59.86136, 11.52465,
59.02924, 10.51391,
59.0688, 12.63427
// true
To check if 2 lines intersects:
let geoLib = require('geo-lib');
let result = geoLib.linesIntersect(
{lat: 59.75639, lon: 6.67968}, {lat: 61.15383, lon: 11.87622},
{lat: 61.51745, lon: 8.15185}, {lat: 59.75086, lon: 11.1621}
// true
Howto to get started with contributions
$ git clone [email protected]:5orenso/geo-lib.git
$ cd geo-lib/
$ npm install
Start developing. Remember to start watching your files:
$ grunt watch
Howto contribute
$ git clone [email protected]:5orenso/geo-lib.git
Do your magic and create a pull request.
Howto report issues
Use the Issue tracker
Howto update
$ bash ./
Howto update NPM module
- Bump version inside
- Push all changes to Github.
- Push all changes to
$ bash ./
Howto check for vulnerabilities in modules
# Install Node Security Platform CLI
$ npm install nsp --global
# From inside your project directory
$ nsp check
Howto upgrade modules
$ sudo npm install -g npm-check-updates
$ ncu -u -a
$ npm install --no-optional
Contributions and feedback:
We ❤️ contributions and feedback.
If you want to contribute, please check out the file.
If you have any question or suggestion create an issue.
Bug reports should always be done with a new issue.
Other Resources
- AWS Basic setup with Cloudformation
- AWS Lambda boilerplate
- Automated AWS Lambda update
- AWS API Gateway setup with Cloudformation
- AWS IoT setup with Cloudformation