GenServe is a server generator that allows spawning and managing non-blocking servers
Genserve is a server generator to help manage non-blocking servers.
You can control spawned servers via command lines or within your code.
It can be used with a CI system, in a development environment, in production, etc.
- 1. Installation
- 2. Usage
- 3. Notes
- 4. Quick start
- 5. Overview * Launch a server in the background and run some tests (using that server) in the same terminal
- 6. Commands
- backup
- build * sophia.default.json
- clone * Example
- create * Example
- delete
- deploy
- description
- edit * To edit server settings
- enable * Example
- erase
- exec
- flush
- get
- info
- investigate
- list
- load
- lock
- log
- pack * Create
- path * Show path to a server settings file:
- ping
- project * Example
- protect
- pull
- push
- remove
- rename
- restart
- restore
- save
- scan
- search
- set
- show
- Shutdown
- start * Example
- status
- stop
- unlock
- unpack
- 7. Namespaces
- 8. Batch Operations
- 9. Selected/Selecting
- 10. Options
- 11. Examples
- 12. How to
- 13. Stats Plugins
- 14. Performance * Performance Tests
- 15. Stability * Stability Tests
- Changelog * current: * 4.7.0: * 4.6.1: * 4.6.0: * 4.5.0: * 4.4.0: * 4.3.2: * 4.3.1:
1. Installation
npm install genserve -g
No extra configuration required
In the module, servers created with sudo
and the standard user do not share the same directory.
Consequentially, genserve scan
and sudo genserve scan
may not give the same result.
To make both users use the same data directory, you can define the property GENSERVE_DATA to a shared location.
# Find the directory used by the default user
$> genserve show location main # => /home/<user>/.local/shared
# Assign it to root
$> sudo genserve define GENSERVE_DATA "/home/<user>/.local/shared"
** You may need to review the permissions set on the shared folder (
It is also possible to set a value to GENSERVE_DATA as an environment variable
For instance:
# Define the environment variable GENSERVE_DATA $> export GENSERVE_DATA="/home/user/data"
2. Usage
In a Terminal
$> genserve [command] [target] [--port number] [--dir path]
In a script
For CommonJs
// CommonJs
const {startGenServer, stopGenServer, infoGenServer} = require("genserve");
await startGenServer({...}); // Start a server
await stopGenServer({...}); // Stop a server
const json = await infoGenServer({...}); // Get server info in a JSON formatted string
// ESM
import {startGenServer, stopGenServer, infoGenServer} from "genserve";
await startGenServer({...});
await stopGenServer({...});
const json = await infoGenServer({...})
3. Notes
- v5 is downward compatible with v4
- v4 is downward compatible with v3
- v3 is not downward compatible
- v3 up to 3.7.0 is not production ready
- v2 is not downward compatible and production-ready
- v1 is not production ready and uses a different engine
- v5 offers greater stability and security
- v4 offers mitigated stability and security (after numerous testing)
- v3 offers poor stability and security
- v1 and v2 should be used in development mode only
- The module name may change
- The latest code is only available in the npm package (MIT License) and is constantly tested for bugs and security issues
- Bug reports can still be posted at
- Many GenServe functionalities are still undocumented. Some updates soon.
4. Quick start
Start a server
$> genserve start
Display the server status
$> genserve status # The server [randomname] is up
Restart the server using port 5000 and serving a different directory
$> genserve restart --port 5000 --dir myfolder
Stop the server
$> genserve stop
Stop all registered servers
$> genserve shutdown
5. Overview
Launch a server in the background and run some tests (using that server) in the same terminal
- Step 1: Spawn a non-blocking server
$> genserve start server
- Step 2: Run tests (from the same terminal)
$> npm test
- Step 3: Stop the server
$> genserve stop server
6. Commands
In the descriptions below, <servername> is a placeholder.
NOTE: Server names and namespaces should be lowercase with no dot symbols
Save namespace
# Save namespace to ./out/
$> genserve backup ns1 ./out
Build a set of commands
"build": [
"node ./node_modules/stylus/bin/stylus -m ./stylus --out ./css",
"node ./node_modules/sass/sass.js ./scss:./css"
// Will generate a build based on the build field content
$> genserve build config ./sophia.default.json
If the server is already created, genserve build sophia
is enough
$> genserve build sophia
Clone a server
$> genserve clone servername <servertarget>
$> genserver clone genesis1 genesis2
Create a server without starting it
$> genserve create <servername>
# Create a server from a configuration file
$> genserve create config <filepath>
# Create a server with property port = 3001
$> genserver create genesis1 --port 3001
# Start server on port 3001
$> genserver start genesis1
# Stop server
$> genserver stop genesis1
Alias of the remove
$> genserve delete <servername>
Unpack a server archive and start a server against the deployed folder
$> genserve deploy ./target
Show a server description
$> genserve description <servername>
To set a description, you can use the set
$> genserve set genesis --description "PNG server"
Edit session file in the O.S. default editor
To edit server settings
$> genserve edit server <servername>
$> genserve edit server genesis # Edit settings against the registered server
$> genserve edit settings genesis # Same as above
$> genserve edit genesis # Same as above
To edit global settings, omit the server name
$> genserve edit settings # Edit global settings
$> genserve edit logs # Edit global logs
Enable a property on a server
🚫 Note: Users must stop the server before being able to change properties.
$> genserve enable <servername> propertyname
$> genserve enable genesis cors
Activatable Options
| Options | default | Expect | Description | |-------------|-------------|------------|------------------------------------------| | cors | false | boolean | Enable CORS on selected server | | ssl | false | boolean | Enable SSL on selected server | | explore | true | boolean | Enable listing mode on selected server |
NOTE: There are two ways to enable/disable one of these options
Via enable/disable commands
$> genserve <enable|disable> <servername> [options] # example $> genserve disable genesis explore
2- Via flags
$> genserve <commands> <servername> <--options on|off> # example $> genserve start genesis --explore off
Explorer view example:
Remove namespace reference.
You must stop all servers on this namespace; otherwise, the command will fail.
$> genserve erase ns1
Execute the given script file
$> genserve exec /path/to/my-script.genserve
Content example
# Comments start with a hash.
start my-server-1
stop my-server-1
The command exec will execute every line from "my-script.genserve" except for the first line (comment).
Remove all registered servers (must be stopped and unprotected).
$> genserve flush
Display server property (Use $> genserve info
command to also have the server instance).
🚫 Note: Users must stop the server before being able to change properties.
$> genserve get tom
Display server information
$> genserve info genesis
serverName: genesis
defaultPage: index.html
protocol: http://
host: localhost
port: 57485
enableapi: true
timeout: 12000
namespace: default
perMessageDeflate: false
showRequests: no
exitWithParentLatency: 30000
noActivityTimeout: 0
strictServerPort: yes
ssl: off
allowSelfSigned: no
enablecors: off
enableexplore: on
dynamicExts: .server.[cm]?js
runs: 1
fails: 0
serverFullName: genesis.default
active: false
Display various information (port related)
$> genserve investigate port 16033
[17:55:37] CLIENT: (4308) ▶ Server using port 16033:
[17:55:37] CLIENT: (4212) ▶ [server1.genserve-e2e-terminal] is not running, but set to port 16033
[17:55:37] CLIENT: (4312) ✨ [server2.genserve-e2e-terminal] is currently using the port 16033
Show list(s) of created named servers.
$> genserve list [all]
The option "all" will do the listing on all declared namespaces.
Load a server configuration from a file then restart the targeted server.
# Load server configuration using a filename
# The file must be located in the current directory. Format: <servername>.<activeNamespace>.json
$> genserve load testfile # => ./testfile.default.json
# Load server configuration from a file path
$> genserve load ./some/path/testfile.default.json
# or
$> genserve load config ./some/path/testfile.default.json
Prevent a server from being stopped.
The commands stop [all], start [all], restart [all], set [all]
will have no effect on this
$> genserve lock <servername>
$> genserve start <servername> --lock
Display log for a server. If you set the --open option, genserve will try to open the log in an editor.
$> genserve log <servername> [--open]
Create an archive containing all of the files the server uses in its configuration (staticDirs, dynamicDirs, etc.) This command is useful when you want to run a server in isolation (During a deployment for instance)
$> genserve pack
Show path to a server settings file:
$> genserve path settings <servername>
Tell whether the server API is active
$> genserve ping <servername>
To generate a GenServe project in the current working directory.
$> genserve project <projectname>
$> genserver project myproj
The generated project will follow this structure:
📁 projectname
└───📁 build ⇽ A build directory that triggers auto-reload on changes
└───📁 dynamic ⇽ Directory to hold dynamic pages
│ 📝 index.server.cjs ⇽ A dynamic page example
└───📁 stats
│ ⇽ The statistic plugin installed by default (in a subfolder)
└───📁 static ⇽ Directory for static pages
│ 📝 index.html ⇽ A static page example
└───📁 src ⇽ Source directory (not used by the system)
└───📁 start
📝 start.js** ⇽ Every time the server starts or restarts, it will launch this script.
** To disable loading plugins, pass an empty array to the "plugins" property in the server configuration.
** To disable the launching script (start.js), override the "dynStart" property in the server configuration.
Prevent a server from being removed from the registered server list.
The commands flush, remove [all]
will not affect this server.
$> genserve protect <servername>
$> genserve start <servername> --protect
Write server info into a file. The filename depends on the server name.
// Create the config file []
$> genserve get tom
Update server properties with the one written in the pulled one.
// Will update the tom server with the content from []
// You must pull the server config, edit the file, and then push it.
$> genserve push tom
Remove a server from the registered server list.
$> genserve remove <servername>
Rename a server
$> genserve rename servername <servertarget>
Reset application default values to factory values
$> genserve reset
Restart a server
$> genserve restart <servername>
Restore namespace
# Restore namespace from a folder or a file
$> genserve restore ./out/
Save server configuration
# Save server configuration into a ./testfile.json file
$> genserve save testfile
Show a list of servers along with which ones are running.
$> genserve scan [all]
The option [all] will scan all declared namespaces.
# Scan the default namespace
$> genserve scan
# Scan a namespace called "special"
$> genserve scan special
Returns server names with given properties.
$> genserve search <props>
# Look for a server whose port equals 16042 in all namespaces
$> genserve search port:16042
[19:04:29] CLIENT: (4412) Found [server1.genserve-e2e-terminal]
[19:04:29] CLIENT: (4412) Found [server2.genserve-e2e-terminal]
Modify server property if not locked.
🚫 Note: If the server is running, it will be stopped and then restarted right after the modifications
$> genserve set tom --port 6000 --dir public
Display various pieces of information
# Show all running servers
$> genserve show up
# Show all inactive servers
$> genserve show down
# Show all servers
$> genserve show servers
# Display namespace list
$> genserve show namespaces
# Show active namespace
$> genserve show active namespace
# Show running servers
$> genserve show active servers
# Show default namespace
$> genserve show default namespace
# Show default server for a directory
$> genserve show default server
# Show application data directory
$> genserve show location data
# Show namespaces location
$> genserve show location namespaces
# Show namespace location for "default" namespace
$> genserve show location namespace default
# Show server setting location for "genesis"
$> genserve show location server genesis
# Show the server name that will be used against the current directory
# if a command is started with no option
$> genserve show linked server # i.e. genesis => [genserve start] will launch the "genesis" server
# Show all servers which project root is set to the current directory
$> genserve show linked servers
Stop all non-locked servers from all namespaces.
$> genserve shutdown [now]
$> genserve shutdown now
to perform the action immediately.
Start a server named <servername>
on any available port serving the current directory.
When servername is missing, it uses "default" as a name or generates a random name depending on the configuration.
$> genserve start <servername>
# Will generate a server running against the current directory
$> genserve start
# Will generate a server named genesis
$> genserve start genesis
# Will generate a server from a config file
$> genserve start config ./some/path/genesis.default.json
Start from a config file
You can also start the server from a configuration file after its creation.
# Create a server called genesis
$> genserve create genesis
# Pull the configuration to the current directory => /current-location/genesis.default.json
# You can edit the file (genesis.default.json) to apply your settings.
$> genserve pull genesis
# Start the server from the pulled configuration file
$> genserve start --config ./genesis.default.json
Now, you can always use this file to start your server, which should also ease sharing server configurations.
By default, when a server configuration file is named ".genserverc", you won't need to specify a value for the --config option
$> genserve start --config
# Same as
$> genserve start --config .genserverc
Display a server status
$> genserve status genesis
Stop a server
$> genserve stop <servername>
Unlock a locked server.
$> genserve unlock genesis
Unpack a previously packed archive
$> genserve unpack ./target/folder
7. Namespaces
All servers are created in the "default" namespace. It is, however, possible to add more than one namespace.
To select a namespace by defining a namespace by default:
# The namespace "ns1" will be the default for all GenServe commands
$> genserve namespace ns1
To select a namespace with the --namespace option
# It will override the default namespace
$> genserve start myserver --namespace ns2
To select a namespace using the canonical form
# Examples:
$> genserve start myserver.ns2 # server = myserver / namespace = ns2
$> genserve stop myserver.ns2
$> genserve info myserver.ns2
$> genserve remove myserver.ns2
$> genserve enable myserver.ns2 cors
$> genserve disable myserver.ns2 ssl
GENSERVE_NAMESPACE environment variable
You can also define the environment variable GENSERVE_NAMESPACE with the namespace value you want, and it will be used by all commands.
- On Windows Powershell:
PS C:\path> $env:GENSERVE_NAMESPACE = "ns3"
PS C:\path> genserve start myserver
- On Linux & MAC:
$> export GENSERVE_NAMESPACE = "ns3"
$> genserve start myserver
- On Windows CMD:
$> genserve start myserver
Refer to your O.S. for more advanced options for setting up environment variables.
8. Batch Operations
The option "all" allows targeting all elements in a namespace
# Start all registered and unlocked servers.
$> genserve start all
# Restart all registered and unlocked servers
$> genserve restart all
# Stop all running and unlocked servers.
$> genserve stop all
# Remove all registered and unprotected servers.
$> genserve remove all
# Display all registered servers' statuses.
$> genserve status all
# Lock all registered servers.
$> genserve lock all
# Unlock all registered servers.
$> genserve unlock all
### etc.
9. Selected/Selecting
The options "selected" or "selecting" allow targeting elements defined by a regular expression
All the commands supporting the "all" extension also support the "selected" extension.
# GenServe will start all servers whose names start with "myserver"
$> genserve start selected "^myserver.*"
$> genserve start selecting "^myserver.*"
However, the "create" and "project" command requires the use of the option --namespace
# Invalid:
$> genserve create myserver.ns2
# Valid
$> genserve create myserver --namespace ns2
10. Options
Options modifiable via CLI
The options can be set with the
command. They can also be defined withstart
| Options | default | Expect | Description |
| --blockmode | false | boolean | Run the server without quitting (start and restart commands). The server stops with CTRL + C |
| --build | false | boolean | Execute build before starting a server |
| --cert | "" | string | Path to ssl cert file |
| --clean | false | boolean | Also delete the log file when a server or a namespace is erased/deleted |
| --defaultPage | index.html | string | Default page to serve |
| --dir | . | string[] | Directories to serve |
| --dynStart | "" | string | Run some JavaScript files before the server starts in the same process as the server |
| --force | false | boolean | Force the execution of a command even if one or more servers run |
| --help | false | boolean | Display help |
| --key | "" | string | Path to ssl key file |
| --mode | "" | "production", "development" | Server mode |
| --noActivityTimeout | 0 | number | Stop server if no activity is detected after x milliseconds (0 for infinity) |
| --openPage | "" | string | Open the given page in a browser when the server starts |
| --openApp | "" | string[] | Run passed processes or JavaScript files before the server start |
| --platform | "default" | "darwin", "linux", "win32", ... | Tell GenServe what platform the host is to load its configuration |
| --port | random | integer | Port to run the server on |
| --projectroot | "" | string | Project root directory |
| --protocol | http:// | string | Protocol used by server |
| --silent | false | boolean | Whether to display messages |
| --ssl | off | on/off | Enable https |
| --unprocessed | "" | string | URI to a static or a dynamic page to handle missing and unprocessable requests |
| --version | false | boolean | Display version |
| ~~--remoteapi~~ | ~~false~~ | ~~boolean~~ | ~~Enable remote server API~~ |
| --~~apiport~~ | ~~random~~ | ~~integer~~ | ~~Port to control server~~ |
Pass to a server ssl certificate
$> genserve --cert path
Pass to a server private key
$> genserve --key path
This option allows invoking processes before the server starts
$> genserve start [--openApp <myBinary>] [--openApp <myBinary>] ...
# Open http://localhost:12000 in Chrome (Canary) with the Chrome flag --no-sandbox enabled
$> genserve start --openApp "'C:/Users/<me>/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome SxS/Application/chrome.exe' 'http://localhost:12000' --ignore-certificate-errors""
This option allows deleting all created log files for a server or namespace when destroyed
# Delete server and logs
$> genserve remove genesis4 --clean
# Delete all servers in mynamespace + logs
$> genserve erase mynamespace --clean
This option allows loading some configurations depending on the platform they are running on. It is helpful to make differences between paths, for instance (Win32, Linux, Mac).
"staticDirs": ["/home/user/mydir"],
"platforms": {
"linux": {
"staticDirs": ["/home/user/mydir1", "/home/user/mydir2"]
"darwin": {
"staticDirs": ["/home/user/mydir1", "/home/user/mydir2"]
"win32": {
"staticDirs": ["C:/projs/mydir1", "C:/projs/mydir2"]
"custom": {
"staticDirs": ["./anywhere"]
"default": {
"staticDirs": ["/home/user/mydir"]
In this example, the "linux" section will override the default configuration.
$> genserve start server1 --platform linux
If platform is not specified, the system detect which platform it is running on and load the appropriate section if defined.
This option allows loading some custom configurations depending on the value set to --section
"sections": {
"localth1": {
"port": 10230,
"staticDirs": ["/home/user/mydir1", "/home/user/mydir2"]
"localth2": {
"port": 10232,
"staticDirs": ["/home/user/mydir3", "/home/user/mydir3"]
In this example, the "localth1" section will override the default configuration.
$> genserve start server1 --section localth1
- Option 1
Enable SSL via command line:
$> genserve --ssl --cert /path/to/cert --key /path/to/key
Enable SSL via config file (See config section for more info)
- Option 2
Stop the server
# default is the namespace by default. You can ignore it if you never use the option.
$> genserve stop yourservername --namespace default
Locate the configuration file
$> genserve path settings <servername> --namespace default # => Then edit the given path
### or
# If you have set a default editor in your O.S.
$> genserve edit server <servername> --namespace default
Edit to update it
"yourservername": {
"serverName": "yourservername",
"defaultPage": "index.html",
"protocol": "https://",
"host": "",
"port": 443,
"serverUrl": "",
"ssl": "on",
"cert": "/path/to/certificates/ssl/yourservername.crt",
"key": "/path/to/certificates/yourservername/ssl/yourservername.key",
"ca": "/path/to/certificates/yourservername/ssl/",
Start the server
$> genserve start yourservername --namespace default
Enable CORS
To enable CORS:
$> genserve enable servername cors
To customise CORS, edit the server's file.
$> genserve edit server <servername>
Global Options modifiable Via Configuration file
To get the path to the file that holds default global settings:
$> genserve path settings --global
To edit
$> genserve edit settings --global
📝 .genserve.cjs ↴
module.exports = {
"protocol": "http://",
"host" : "desktop-amd",
API : {
"GREETINGS" : "Hello!",
staticDirs: Directories to serve (The first directory specified has precedence over the other and so on)
11. Examples
Start server serving multiple directories
$> genserve start --dir public --dir build
Stop default server
$> genserve stop
Start a named server on port 10040 serving the working directory
$> genserve start genesis --port 10040
Stop the named server
$> genserve stop genesis
Show list of registered servers
$> genserve scan
active │ serverName │ serverUrl │ port │ staticDirs │ defaultPage │
────── │ ────────── │ ───────────────────────── │ ───── │ ────────────────────────────────── │ ──────────── │
false │ default │ http://localhost:60287/ │ 60287 │ C:\projects\genserve\public │ index.html │
false │ genesis │ http://localhost:10040/ │ 10040 │ C:\projects\genserve │ index.html │
It is possible only to show some columns with the option --columns.
# This command will only present the columns active, serverUrl, port and serverName
$> genserve scan --columns "serverUrl,port"
🚫 Note: The column "serverName" is always displayed
Run server from a shell or in a CI system
# Start the server in the background
$> genserve start testserver --dir . --port 5000
# Run your tests
$> npm test
# Stop the server
$> genserve stop testserver
Run a server from within a script
(async function ()
const {startGenServer, stopGenServer, infoGenServer} = require("genserve");
// Server name
const SERVER_NAME = "my-test-server";
// Start the server, which name will be "my-test-server"
const serverStarted = await startGenServer({name: SERVER_NAME, port: 9880});
if (!serverStarted)
console.error("Failed to start server");
return ;
// Display info server (Optional)
const data = await infoGenServer({name: SERVER_NAME});
// Stop the server "my-test-server"
await stopGenServer({name: SERVER_NAME});
12. How to
13. Stats Plugins
Web-Analyst plugin is a plugin for Genserve:
14. Performance
Node v16.17.0 | O.S.: Windows 11 | Processor: AMD
Performance Tests
Five round of short sessions + one longer session
# 5 rounds
$> loadtest -c 10 --rps 500 -t 10
$> loadtest -c 10 --rps 500 -t 10
$> loadtest -c 10 --rps 500 -t 10
$> loadtest -c 10 --rps 500 -t 10
$> loadtest -c 10 --rps 500 -t 10
# 1 round
$> loadtest -c 10 --rps 1000 -t 20
Every engine uses its default configuration
| Engine | Version | RPS* | (5 rounds) Completed Requests in 10s | (1 round) Completed requests in 20s | |-----------------|---------|------|--------------------------------------|-------------------------------------| | nginx | 1.22.0 | 468 | 4728 - 4721 - 4717 - 4804 - 4740 | 19571 | | xampp | 14.0.0 | 395 | 4663 - 4704 - 4834 - 4747 - 4783 | 19527 | | genserve | 4.0.6 | 470 | 4750 - 4723 - 4705 - 4711 - 4789 | 19583 | | http-server | 14.0.0 | 468 | 4716 - 4712 - 4800 - 4804 - 4696 | 17940 |
* Requests per seconds
15. Stability
Node v16.17.0 | O.S.: Windows 11 | Processor: AMD
Stability Tests
Increasing number of requests per seconds
# Increasing requests per session
$> loadtest -c 20 --rps 2000 -t 20
$> loadtest -c 50 --rps 5000 -t 20
$> loadtest -c 100 --rps 10000 -t 20
Every engine uses its default configuration
| Engine | Version | Completed requests in 20s at 1000 RPS* | 2000 RPS | 5000 RPS | 10000 RPS | |-----------------|---------|----------------------------------------|--------------------|--------------------|--------------------| | nginx | 1.22.0 | 19571 | 38711 | Errors (1464) | Errors (20385) | | xampp | 14.0.0 | 19527 | 38834 | 49226 | Errors (28076) | | genserve | 4.0.6 | 19583 | 38996 | 46223 | Errors (461) | | http-server | 14.0.0 | 17940 | Errors (19579) | Errors (19184) | Errors (18156) |
* Requests per seconds
- Apply --json option to shutdown command
- Fix url incorrectly generated when missing forward slashes in urls
- Fix commands not generating slug for server name
- Check whether project root exists
- Fix --json option not applied on errors
- Add --blockmode option to non-cli commands
- Add support to dir option for command run from code (non-cli)
- Set project root programmatically
- Fix scan all with enabled --json option
- Enable --json option for scan command
- Fix formatted output for --js option
- Increase server starting speed
- Fix server hanging when plugin code not following new convention
- Add an extra special callback system to plugins
- Add an error message in the [info] command
- Fix validator not set on the correct static directory
- Fix staticDirs populated with same values
- Fix plugin not working with dependent servers
- Fix full server name evaluation
- Fix pack process for deployment
- Fix plugin support on configuration multi-domains
- Always pack on the [deploy] command even when all files on the remote are up-to-date
- Fix SSH connection not close on remote file listing
- Fix local deployment
- Add an [index] command
- Reduce generated pack file for deployment to a minimum size by comparing indexes
- Fix validators not set correctly
- Display a message instead of an error when a staticDirs item is not set on disk
- Fix deployment closing prematurely
- Add [post-pack] build step
- Add a post-build field
- Show process id (pid) on [scan] command
- Add more information to the [info] command
- Display server names using the same port instead of host names
- Add [extends] field to [errors] for routing errors based on urls
- Fix the errors field
- Show CPU usage and memory consumption of server child
- Add --monitor option to monitor cpu usage and memory consumption
- Generate a README file on deployment
- Update libutils dependency to fix plugin installation breaking
- Fix platforms fields overwritting sections and remotes fields
- Fix extra values added to server configuration on pack command
- Always display output on npm install
- Remove devDendencies from package.json on deployment
- Display additionnal information on remote install
- Display messages instantly on remote install
- Fix generated archive
- Display more messages on publish
- Fix [publish] commands using erroneous arguments
- Fix [publish] missing .genserverc file
- Fix an issue with the [publish] command
- Fix [deploy] to remote command
- Fix [deploy] command not working with bare --config
- Allow using the --config option with no predefined value
- Fix options --section and --platform not working with the [deploy] command
- Restore [sections] functionalities
- Fix unsupported request error on child server
- Prettify json generated files
- Add property [modulelink] to plugin field for helping with debugging
- Display installed plugins versions
- Display installed dependencies versions
- Do not serve current folder on [project] command
- Fix autoreload not working with relative paths
- Add [enable] property to disable a plugin
- Restore and Reimplement reset command
- Display more messages when publishing
- Fix server not starting on undefined session child
- Fix [remove] command with --force option
- Fix application not finding template path
- Allow deleting default attached server with the --force option
- Fix [project] command not finding the web-analyst plugin
- Fix [backup] command
- Fix progress bar on upload
- Allow assigning namespace from a remote field
- Fix [publicDirs] property not updated on remote
- Show progress bar on uploading to remote
- Display generated archive size
- Add [publicDirs] property
- Set highest priority on values set directly on a remote field instead of an external configPath
- Fix errors not showing on [npm install]
- Fix permission error on directories
- Fix js function error not found
- Add basic forwarding port
- Fix [publish] command to remote
- Review session variable solver
- Add more recognisable variables
- Fix statistic plugin integration
- Update statistics plugin
- Review statistic plugin
- Add [default] as alias for [show default]
- Fix error on [info] command with port option
- Allow installing by copy or not the node_modules directory with the --whole option
- Add a --whole option to force copy the node_modules directory during packing and deploying
- Show why a port is unavailable when starting a server
- Remove symbols on [search] command
- Add [search] command
- Add --section option
- Display log from build section quicker
- Fix error uninitialised session
- Show an error if certain symbols are not exported
- Fix the [eventually] property ignored when triggered on server side
- Fix module not found error after minification
- Cancel operation when cannot overwrite log file
- Fix unauthorized message displayed instead of unsupported request message
- Review plugin system
- Review auto-reload
- Fix staticDirs.filter not a function error
- Add validators for restricting access to directories
- Take projectRoot field into account when solving directories
- Convert tilde ~ symbol when passing the --config option
- Review priorities for attributing deployment server name
- Add a message during clean remote deployment
- Fix html error page not showing
- Fix remote deployment
- Review remote deployment
- Add --clean option force clean deployment
- Fix local deployment
- Allow passing --config option without .zip package to [deploy] command
- Fix an error with non-existent path
- Allow rendering HTML via configuration errors field
- Fix error key not taken into account
- Display server urls by ip
- Allow using tilde symbol ~ in the --config option
- Fix remote deployment with the --config option
- Look for config path in the same location as the session referencing it
- Review displayed messages
- Set hostname on deployed file after installation
- Stop remote deployment earlier when econfig path is non-existent
- Add --config option to the [update] command
- Restore note info 4568
- Fix commands using short filename as server
- Fix various commands with options
- Fix commands using batch options
- Add command [show active] with no extra options
- Add command [show default] with no extra options
- FIX [create config] command with absolute path
- Fix error 4199
- Allow deployment to remote
- Remove extra error message on failing deployments
- Fix local [deploy] command
- Remove extra error message when a config file is not found
- Remove [] when config to filepath is miscalculated
- Fix [push] command
- File [load] command
- Fix server selection when no options is passed to a command
- Fix default platform section automatically applied
- Fix added command [set] when executing [stop] command
- Fix error 3131
- Fix the [erase all] command
- Fix [update] command
- Fix [create] command
- Add [update] command
- Fix [flush] command
- Fix deployment tests