Generates Jasmine test for your angularJs file, Most of these auto generated custom test cases will actually be passing and it will take file’s code coverage from 0% to 40%-50% without writing a single line of code, ain't that freaking awesome!!!
AngularJS test generator. It's an yeoman generator. Generates customized Jasmine test for your angularJs file [Right now only works for controllers . test generator for directives and services are under construction...]
- [x] Takes path of the angularJs file to be tested as input.
- [x] Parses the file and generates a test file.
- [x] Be ready for surprise - you will be amazed to see that most of these auto generated test are actually passing , and you need to edit rest, to make them pass (Obviously ).
- [x] this auto generated test file takes your code coverage for that file from 0% to 40-50% without writing a single line of code . Now that's Freaking awesome!!!
globally install the module
npm install -g generator-yosapy
- Now go to the test folder in your Angular project, where you want the test file to be created.
cd ~/path/To/Your/Test/Folder/
- Now run following command. ( It's a yeoman generator so you need to have yeoman installed)
yo yosapy
- It will prompt you for the path of the file to be tested. Provide absolute path of the file.
?Absolute path of the File to be tested: absolutePath/of/file/myController.js
- This generator will parse your file and genearte a test file for you .
This generators parses your file using and Esprima and Regex, and to produce meaningful, mostly passing , custom testcases , I had to make a hell lot of assumptions and even hell lot more fallBacks. here are some tips to help the generator not to fail with weired error messages for your input file.
- [x] Only tested this on Mac . Might fail for other Operatiing System (specially windows)
- [x] Please ensure your input file is not having syntactical error (e.g passes JSLint)
- [x] Your input file should contain a single component (It should not have more than one controlers or directive clubbed in a single file.)
This generator not working at all ? or generating gibberish ? then Probably the some of my "assumptions" (to be specific regex and ast-queries) need to be refined . Feel free to shoot a mail at [email protected] with input.js file and I will be happy to help .