Generator golang allows to create projects like (Console ('Hello world'), REST-API, GO-KIT )
YoGo - golang code generator
YoGo is a Yeoman generator for GO language, which allows you to create projects in the form of:
- Console (basic "Hello world") apps
- REST API microservice
- GO-KIT API microservice
This tool is meant for developers with the aim of removing the need to recreate each time the same skeleton when starting a new project. YoGo generates it for him, so he can focus on implementing logic in new app.
The Go Programming Language
Detail info you can find here.
Preparation for Usage
Install nodejs and npm on your system
Install yeoman on your system
npm install -g yo
- Install generator-yogo
npm install generator-yogo
- Launch the generator
yo yogo
Create new project
Create a new directory in GOPATH/src
cd $GOPATH/src
mkdir [ProjectName]
cd [ProjectName]
yo yogo
...and follow the interactive option selection
Structure of projects
NOTE: the YoGo generator will only generate the directory hierarchy in *$GOPATH/src*.
Example console app
Example REST API microservice
FYI: Future development will add support for:
- KAFKA producer
- KAFKA consumer
- etc.
Generate project via docker
If you want to generate your project in a Docker container (i.e. you don't want to install the YoGo dependencies on your machine):
- install docker on your machine
- clone this repository (git clone)
- open a terminal and go to the
folder - enter the following command:
for windows users
docker build -t generator-yogo:latest .
docker run -it --rm -v {YOUR_LOCAL_PATH}:/home/yeoman -e LOCAL_PATH=${LOCAL_PATH} --name generator-yogo-container generator-yogo
for Linux and MacOS users
make docker-build
make docker-run LOCAL_PATH=<YOUR_LOCAL_PATH>
where <YOUR_LOCAL_PATH> is the local folder where you want your project to be generated.
ATTENTION: if you have error like :
xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun
follow this link:
How to create a new package in an existing microservice.
Open a terminal, and from your project's folder run:
yo yogo:pkgg
You can choose the kind of package you want to create and use:
- config
- REST-API endpoint
- GO-KIT endpoint
Config package
One possible type of package is config. In this case, the package will be generated with the following structure
NOTE: By default, YOGO generates a config.toml file with three ENV variables ( APP_PORT, KAFKA_BROKERS, SVC_TRACING_ZIPKIN )
Extend config package
You can add a config.toml file in your project's root folder with the list of ENV variables you need.
For example:
After doing this, when generating the config package, all variables will be added on top of the default ones (APP_PORT, KAFKA_BROKERS, SVC_TRACING_ZIPKIN).