Renderspace default HTML project
YeoRS Generator
...a fork of Yeogurt. Less options, more opinionated; also contains Foundation.
A generator for creating static sites. Helps you harness the power of your favorite tools: Nunjucks, Gulp, and much more!
Table of Contents
Included in every project
- Preview server with Browsersync
- Automated build process that includes: compilation of preprocessors (Sass), minification of CSS and HTML, compression of Javascript, and optimization of images
- .editorconfig for consistent coding styles within text editors
- Sourcemaps for JavaScript and Stylesheets
- JavaScript Linting with JavaScript Standard Style
- Foundation
Available Options
- Project/Site naming
Getting Started
This generator utilizes Yeoman and Gulp to scaffold out projects, automate tasks, and manage front-end dependencies respectively. If this is your first time here, it is recommended you read about these tools before proceeding.
NOTE: For OSX users You may have some issues compiling code during installation of packages. Please install Xcode from App Store first. After Xcode is installed, open Xcode and go to Preferences -> Download -> Command Line Tools -> Install to install command line tools.
NOTE: For Windows users You may have some issues compiling BrowserSync during installation of packages. Please go to for more information on how to get all the needed dependencies.
Check to see if you already have Node installed. Do this by bringing up a terminal/command prompt and type node -v
. If the response shows a version at or above v0.12.x
, you are all set and can proceed to installing Yeoman, Gulp, and Bower. If you see an error and/or your version is too low, navigate to the Node.js website and install Node from there.
Yeoman & Gulp
Once you have Node installed, make sure you have these tools by opening up a terminal/command prompt and entering following commands:
| Command | Response
|---------- |:---------:
| yo --version
| at or above v1.2.1
| gulp -v
| gulp-cli
at or above v0.3.9
If you get any errors and/or you're version(s) are too low, you should run npm install -g yo gulp
This will install both tools and update them to their latest versions.
Now that you have all the needed dependencies, you can install this generator by cloning it, then running:
npm install
npm link
Later we'll use the following command: npm install -g generator-yeors
That completes installation! So at this point you should have all the needed tools to start working YeoRS.
When starting a new project, you will want to: open up a terminal/command prompt, make a new directory, and navigate into it.
mkdir my-new-project && cd $_
then, run the YeoRS generator.
yo yeors
Optionally, you can skip the automated installation of npm packages by passing in --skip-install
. The main reason to use this is if you have spotty/no internet connection, but would still like to generate your project.
yo yeors --skip-install
Follow all the prompts and choose what suits you most for the project you would like to create. When you finish with all of the prompts, your project scaffold will be created and all dependencies will be installed.
NOTE: If you used the
option, no dependencies will have been installed and your gulp tasks will NOT work. You will need to runnpm install
in your project's root directory in order to get started running automated tasks
Once everything is installed, you will see a project structure like below:
├── gulp/ # Folder for gulp tasks
├── dist/ # Folder for production build output
├── tmp/ # Folder for temporary development output
├── src
| ├── _data # JSON files that add data to templates
| ├── _images # Images
| ├── _layouts # Layout structure for app
| | └── base.nunjucks
| ├── _modules # Reusable modules
| | └── link
| | ├── __tests__
| | | └── link.spec.js
| | ├── link.nunjucks
| | ├── link.js
| | └── link.scss
| ├── _sass # Global styles, mixins, variables, etc
| | └── main.scss # Main stylesheet (import everything to this file)
| ├── _scripts # Global scripts, base classes, etc
| | └── custom.js # Main bootstrap file
| ├── fonts # Fonts (Example... not be generated)
| ├── index.nunjucks # Homepage template
| ├── favicon.ico
| └── robots.txt
├── gulpfile.js # Gulp task configuration
└── package.json # Dependencies and site/folder configuration
Congratulations! You should now have successfully created a YeoRS project and are ready to start building out your site/app.
Now you can run the following gulp tasks:
npm run devel
orgulp devel
for previewing your site/app on a development server.gulp devel --production
for previewing a production version of your site/app.gulp
for testing and building a development version of your site.gulp --production
same asgulp
but builds a production version of your site.gulp test
for linting your scripts and running unit tests.npm run dist
orgulp dist
for copying all of the css files to final output folder.
You can learn more about what tasks are available in the gulp tasks section.
Configuration of folders and filenames is possible, although discouraged.
Gulp Workflow
gulp --production
Runs gulp test
and builds out an optimized site through compilation of preprocessors (Jade, Sass, etc), minification of CSS and HTML, uglification of Javascript, and optimization of images.
npm run devel
or gulp devel
Starts up a development server that watches files and automatically reloads them to the browser when a change is detected. There's a slight difference between commands: npm run devel
doesn't require gulp to be globally installed and it opens the browser, too.
Extra Task Target(s)
|Tasks| Description
|gulp devel --production
| starts up a server that loads a production version of the site
|npm run devel
or gulp devel --open
| starts up a server and opens it within your default browser
gulp test
Runs lint and run JavaScript tests, respectively.
Extra Task Target(s)
|Tasks| Description
|gulp test --watch
| runs gulp test
, but also watches test files and auto runs tests when changes are detected.
NOTE: test:watch is only available if you chose to unit test your javascript
Adding the --debug
option to any gulp task displays extra debugging information (ex. data being loaded into your templates)
Note: Generators need to be run from the root directory of your app.
Default Generators
Creates a new page.
$ yo yeors:page contact
Example #2: Specifying a layout
$ yo yeors:page contact --layout=one-col
// Page that extends from 'src/_layouts/one-col'
NOTE: Pages will default to extending from
is not provided
Creates a new module.
$ yo yeors:module header
Example #2: Specifying module as atomic
This is a great way to create modules that adhere to atomic design
$ yo yeors:module link --atomic=atom
NOTE: Possible
options: atom, molecule, organism
Creates a new layout.
$ yo yeors:layout one-col
Example #2: Specifying another layout to extend from
$ yo yeors:page contact --layout=one-col
// Layout that extends from 'src/_layouts/one-col'
NOTE: Layouts will default to extending from 'src/_layouts/base'
Adding third-party libraries
Odds are that you will need to add some third party libraries to your project at some point. To do so, it is strongly recommended that you install them using NPM:
npm install [package name] --save
You can also access stylesheets by importing them to your preprocessor like so:
@import node_modules/bootstrap-sass-official/scss/bootstrap
// CSS
@import node_modules/normalize.css/normalize
Data Files
If you want to load global data into your templates (jade or nunjucks), you can add JSON files in src/_data
For example, add menu.json in src/_data
"name": "Home",
"link": "/",
"category": "Page",
"status": "Development"
And it will be added to the
object so it can be used like so:
Which outputs to:
Original license (derived from)
MIT License - © Jake Larson
Licensed - © Renderspace d.o.o; Samo Fabčič; Dragan Petoš