yo generator for setting up projects
Yeoman Project Setup Generator
0. Table of content
- Yeoman Project Setup Generator
- 0. Table of content
- 1. How to install generators
- 2. Available generators
- [ ] 2.1. Setup editor configuration
- [ ] 2.2. Setup project code linting and formatting
- [ ] 2.2.1. Javascript
- [ ] 2.2.2. Typescript
- [ ] 2.2.3. CSS/SCSS
- [ ] 2.2.4. Markdown
- 2.3. Setup git
- [x] 2.4. Setup NPM project
- [ ] 2.5. Setup typescript
- [ ] 2.6. Setup webpack
- [ ] 2.7. Setup testing
- [ ] 2.7.1. Karma
- [ ] 2.7.2. Cypress
- [ ] 2.8. Setup translations
- 3. How to contribute
- 4. About generator development
1. How to install generators
Global install yeoman cli
npm install -g yo
2. Available generators
2.1. Setup editor configuration
2.1.1. .editorconfig
yo xes-project:editorconfig
2.1.2. .vscode
2.2. Setup project code linting and formatting
2.2.1. Javascript
2.2.2. Typescript
2.2.3. CSS/SCSS
2.2.4. Markdown
yo xes-project:markdownlint
2.3. Setup git
yo xes-project:git
2.3.1. git commit linting
2.3.2. git hooks
2.4. Setup NPM project
yo xes-project:npm
2.5. Setup typescript
yo xes-project:typescript
2.6. Setup webpack
yo xes-project:webpack
2.7. Setup testing
2.7.1. Karma
yo xes-project:karma
2.7.2. Cypress
yo xes-project:cypress
2.8. Setup translations
yo xes-project:i18n
3. How to contribute
4. About generator development
4.1 Linting and formatting
Using jsonlint for lint-staged ignores editorconfig indentation configuration (allways uses spaces). Its formatting is closest to what vscode (vscode.json-language-features) formatting does. Looks better than what prettier formatting but cannot handle json with comments.
Idea: use vscode language server to format committed code consistent with vscode setup. More info about Language Server
Idea 2: use eclint to fix indentation after running other fixers