Generates a Xataface application
Yeoman Generator for Xataface Applications
This project contains a Yeoman generator for a Xataface application.
You must have the following installed and in your environment Path
- Yeoman
- Git
$ yo xataface myapp
Follow the prompts.
This will create your xataface application in a directory "myapp".
You can avoid prompts by providing command-line options.
$ yo xataface myapp --help
yo xataface:app [options] <appname> [<installFile>]
-h, --help # Print the generator's options and usage
--skip-cache # Do not remember prompt answers Default: false
--skip-install # Do not automatically install dependencies Default: false
--mysqlHost # Hostname of MySQL server
--mysqlUser # MySQL user to create database. Usually root. Only used by this generator. Not the app.
--mysqlPassword # MySQL password to create database. Only used by this generator. Not the app.
--dbName # Database name for app.
--dbUser # Database username. This is the user that the app will connect as.
--dbPassword # Database password. This is the password for the app to connect to the database.
--tables # Tables to include in menu. Format: table1=Label1,table2=Label2, etc...
--usersTable # Name of table that stores the app's users if using table-based authentication.
--passwordColumn # The column of the users table that stores the password.
--passwordEncryption # The encryption type to use for the password column in table-based authentication. sha1, md5, encrypt, or password
--usernameColumn # The column of the users table that stores the username.
--emailColumn # The column of the users table that stores the email address.
--roleColumn # The column of the users table that stores the role
--mysqli # Disable mysqli with --mysql=n
--mysql # Absolute path to the mysql CLI executable. This isn't necessary if mysql is in your environment's PATH.
--git # Absolute path to the git CLI executable. This isn't necessary if git is in your environment's PATH.
--createDatabase # y=Create the database. Only set this to 'y' if the database doesn't yet exist.
--createUser # y=Create the app's mysql user. Only set this to 'y' if the database user doesn't yet exist.
--createUsersTable # y=Create the users table in the database automatically. Only for table-based authenticaton. Only set this to 'y' if the users table doesn't yet exist.
--createAdminUser # y=Insert an admin user for the app into the users table.
appname # Used for the app directory name, and default database name Type: String Required: true
installFile # Path to SQL file containing commands to execute upon creating the database Type: String Required: false