yeoman generator nextjs project & react tsx components, inspired by
Generator Wow React - (Module NPM)
This module will help you to create structural directory folder for generating component, feature. Our case we work on SBDUI Library.
Environment requirement
- yarn package
npm install -g yarn
- node version > 16.17
When using generator-wow-react you can simply generate your component or feature on your react project application
Generator Settings
You can configure the generator settings by modifying the .yo-rc.json file. Here are the available options:
: The directory path where generated components will be placed (e.g., "src/app/components").
: The base directory for feature modules (e.g., "src/app/features").
: A comma-separated list of subfolders within each feature module (e.g., "services, components, hooks, types"). Use this to segment your code logically.
: Set to true if you want to generate Storybook stories for your components.
: Set to true if you want to generate test files for your components.
: The folder where Storybook stories will be created (e.g., "src/stories").
: Set to true if you want to generate helper components.
Register the command
Register the command on your package.json file to recognize the generator as part of your cli
open package.json
add these line under scripts property
"scripts": { ... "wow:component": "yo wow-react:component", "wow:feature": "yo wow-react:feature", }
save the modification
run the command using
ornpm run
yarn wow:component YourComponentName.Prefix --path /your/custom/path
Basic syntax making component
yarn wow-component ComponentName
it will make directory folder like this
└── src/
└── ui/
└── component/
└── ComponentName/
├── _test_/
│ └── ComponentName.test.tsx
├── story/
│ ├── ComponentName.story.mdx
│ └── ComponentName.story.tsx
├── ComponentName.module.scss
├── ComponentName.tsx
├── ComponentNameHelper.ts
└── index.ts
Custom Path syntax making component
If you want to make a root component grouping example Chart/BarChart, you can use syntax like this
yarn wow-component RootComponentName/ComponentName
it will make directory folder like this
└── src/
└── ui/
└── component/
└── RootComponentName/
└── ComponentName/
├── _test_/
│ └── ComponentName.test.tsx
├── story/
│ ├── ComponentName.story.mdx
│ └── ComponentName.story.tsx
├── ComponentName.module.scss
├── ComponentName.tsx
├── ComponentNameHelper.ts
└── index.ts
Basic syntax making feature
yarn wow-feature NameFeature
it will make directory folder like this
└── src/
└── features/
└── component/
├── FeatureName/
│ ├── _test_/
│ │ └── FeatureName.test.tsx
│ ├── story/
│ │ ├── FeatureName.story.mdx
│ │ └── FeatureName.story.tsx
│ ├── FeatureName.module.scss
│ ├── FeatureName.tsx
│ ├── FeaHelpertureName.ts
│ └── index.ts
├── hooks/
│ └── chart.hook.ts
├── services/
│ └── chart.service.ts
├── types/
│ └── chart.type.ts
└── index.ts
yarn wow-component OtherFeatureComponent --path src/features/RootFeature
it will make directory folder like this
└── src/
└── features/
└── component/
├── FeatureName/
│ ├── _test_/
│ │ └── FeatureName.test.tsx
│ ├── story/
│ │ ├── FeatureName.story.mdx
│ │ └── FeatureName.story.tsx
│ ├── FeatureName.module.scss
│ ├── FeatureName.tsx
│ ├── FeaHelpertureName.ts
│ └── index.ts
├── hooks/
│ └── chart.hook.ts
├── services/
│ └── chart.service.ts
├── types/
│ └── chart.type.ts
└── index.ts
└── component/
├── OtherFeatureComponent/
│ ├── _test_/
│ │ └── OtherFeatureComponent.test.tsx
│ ├── story/
│ │ ├── OtherFeatureComponent.story.mdx
│ │ └── OtherFeatureComponent.story.tsx
│ ├── OtherFeatureComponent.module.scss
│ ├── OtherFeatureComponent.tsx
│ ├── FeaHelpertureName.ts
│ └── index.ts
├── hooks/
│ └── chart.hook.ts
├── services/
│ └── chart.service.ts
├── types/
│ └── chart.type.ts
└── index.ts
Syntax for making component on specific feature directory
yarn wow-component Test --path src\features\AccountInformation\components
How to Use
on your project root directory
1. Installing
using npm
npm install yo generator-wow-react
using yarn
yarn add -D yo generator-wow-react
2. Generate component
yo wow-react:component <ComponentName> -path <AlternativePath>
3. Generate Feature
yo wow-react:feature <FeatureName> -path <AlternativePath>
4. Store your configuration
generator-wow-react initially save the configuration in yo-rc.json
"generator-wow-react": {
"featureDirPath": "src/main/webapp/app/modules",
"featureGeneratedFolders": "services, components, hooks, types, utils, __tests__",
"componentGeneratedDirPath": "src/main/webapp/app/components",
"generateTestComponent": true,
"generateStorybookComponent": false
update the configuration based on your needs
How to Enhance
1. Clone from git
git clone
2. Clone from git
yarn install
3. Connect to your local project
- Go to your root directory generator-wow-react, and in terminal type "yarn link". This section is to register our package (generator-wow-react) to yarn registry local.
yarn link
- Go to our root directory of your project (our case is SBDUI root directory), and in terminal type "yarn link generator-wow-react". This section is to use our package (generator-wow-react) on our project (SBDUI)
yarn link generator-wow-react