A yeoman code generator for common wemogy templates
Yeoman Code Generator
Get it running
Install Yeoman via NPM
npm install -g yo
Now install the generator
npm install -g generator-wemogy
yo wemogy
What can be generated?
New wemogy project
Choose these to generate a new project for a wemogy repository. They will automatically create the correct folder structure.
Hint: Please make sure to call these generators from the repository root.
| Type | Description | Folder | Direct command |
| Empty project structure | Scaffolds the basic components of every repository like EditorConfig and Readme. | /
| yo wemogy:project-empty
| Web Service (.NET) | ASP.NET Web Api project to create small services | src/webservices/...
| yo wemogy:project-webservice-dotnet
| Class Library (.NET) | .NET Class Library for shared components. | src/shared/...
| yo wemogy:project-lib-dotnet
| SDK (.NET) | .NET Class Library to create an SDK for other .NET projects | src/sdk/dotnet/...
| yo wemogy:project-sdk-dotnet
| SDK (JavaScript) | TypeScript project to create an SDK for other JavaScript projects | src/sdk/javascript/...
| yo wemogy:project-sdk-javascript
| Frontend (React) | A web frontend based on React. | src/frontend/...
| yo wemogy:project-frontend-react
Other templates
Choose these to generate basic templates for specific technologies. They will not generate any specific folder structure.
| Category | Type | Description | Direct command |
| .NET | Solution | | yo wemogy:dotnet-solution
| .NET | Class Library | | yo wemogy:dotnet-classlib
| .NET | ASP.NET Web Api | | yo wemogy:dotnet-aspnet
| .NET | xUnit Tests | | yo wemogy:dotnet-xunit
| GitHub Actions | Action for .NET Builds | | yo github-actions-action-build-dotnet
| GitHub Actions | Action for JavaScript Builds | | yo github-actions-action-build-javascript
| GitHub Actions | Action to Build and Push Containers | | yo github-actions-action-containers
| GitHub Actions | Workflow for Builds | | yo github-actions-workflow-build
| GitHub Actions | Workflow for Releases | | yo github-actions-workflow-release
| Terraform | Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) | | yo wemogy:terraform-aks
| Terraform | Kubernetes Cluster configuration | | yo wemogy:terraform-kubernetes
| TypeScript | Empty | | yo wemogy:typescript-empty
| TypeScript | React | | yo wemogy:typescript-react
| Documentation | Docusaurus | | yo wemogy:docs-docusaurus
| Documentation | Architecture Decision Record | | yo wemogy:docs-adr
| Yeoman | Selector Generator | | yo wemogy:yeoman-selector
| Yeoman | Template Generator (Generic) | | yo wemogy:yeoman-template
| Yeoman | Template Generator (.NET) | | yo wemogy:yeoman-template-dotnet
| Yeoman | Project Template Generator (Generic) | | yo wemogy:yeoman-template-project
| Yeoman | Project Template Generator (.NET) | | yo wemogy:yeoman-template-project-dotnet
Open a Terminal at the repository root and run the following commands.
yarn install
Start the development using the following command in the root directory.
yarn develop
To test the generator, create a test
folder in the same repository at root level
mkdir test
cd test
Now link the generator
yarn link
yarn link generator-wemogy
Run the following command to start and test the generator
yo wemogy
To remove the linked generator, run the following command
yarn unlink
# Check, if removal was successful
npm list -g --depth=0