yo generator for gulp based typo3 theme development
yo generator for gulp based typo3 theme development
This setup will boost your workflow to ultimate. Its perfect for simple sites that can be build in a week. The focus is not on heavy php extension developing but creating themes. if you need custom content elements, go with DCE to get fastest and best results.
Allows you to develop themes locally with git/less/gulp. No need for a server with nodejs or root. Develop local while this setup pushes your changes to the server in the background. They will be ready before you've switched to the browser window.
- LiveReload
- fluid templates (no more marker)
- Inject CSS changes without reload
- Less
- Sourcemaps (served from localhost for speedboost)
- bower with mainbowerfiles (auto include required files)
- gulp
- minify/ulify
- really fast build through caching
- auto deploy to server via ftp
- auto include bower files
- iconfont
- autoprefix your css
- support for dce
- jslint
to run this setup you need nodejs locally available (not on typo3 server!)
1. install yeoman
Clone this Repository as a boilerplate for new projects with
$ sudo npm install -g yo
2. install typo3-gulp generator
this setup reqires nodejs and npm.
$ sudo npm i -g generator-typo3-gulp
3. run yo-generator
$ yo typo3-gulp
enter your project data now.
4. configure typo3
now we have to tell typo3 where our TypoScript files will be located (fileadmin/template/ts). My TypoScript files end with "*.ts.txt" so they dont interfere with TypeScript Files.
Create new typoscript template or replace an existing one with following line
Setup: <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="DIR:fileadmin/template/ts/setup" extensions="txt">
Constants: <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="DIR:fileadmin/template/ts/constants" extensions="txt">
PageTs: <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="DIR:fileadmin/template/ts/pageTs" extensions="txt">
5. fire it up
$ gulp
6. deploy
in order to finally deploy your website use the deploy task. (no sourcemaps)
$ gulp deploy
to access your typo3, go to: http://localhost:3000
What you should Know..
Is stored in src/ts/. You have to include 1 line in your page typoscript setup to include everything. See #4.
this setup is based on less. To overwrite less variables of your bower modules use ./variables.json, example for font-awesome-font path is included.
no linting jet but sourcemaps are working.
to generate the iconfont from the svg's in ./iconfont/ just run:
gulp iconfont
make sure the css is included to your setup.
Delete files on Server
be aware: by default gulp will only upload files to the server. If you delete a file locally it is still on the server. Run the cleanRemote task from time to time to get rid of old files.
gulp cleanRemote
install bower dependencies
bower dependencies will be automatically included into your template. just install them via
$ bower install --save angular-material
and restart gulp.
no changes ? make sure you are logged in to avoid caching of typoscript and html files
You cant login into Typo3 Backend through localhost:3000? just don't. Use the localhost url for frontend only. You don't want page-reload affect your backend.