Generate a simple template based on 7-1 architecture, with the opportunity to use Twig and GSAP.
Generate a simple project (static or WordPress)
First if you don't have the rights on your /usr/local folder:
sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local
If you're on High Sierra use instead:
sudo chown -R $(whoami)
Then, install Yeoman and generator-stereobase using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-stereobase
Then, you need to create a new host in Mamp called yourProjectName.local, and start the servers.
After that you can generate your project:
yo stereobase
And finally launch the dev server:
npm run dev
When you need to build use:
npm run build
You'll have your files in the dest
WordPress project installation
If you need to install a WordPress project, follow these steps before launching Yeoman.
Install wp-cli if you don't have it already (
curl -O
chmod +x wp-cli.phar
sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
You can now launch Yeoman, and answer Y to the WordPress question. You need to have mysql server started to allow Yeoman to automatically create the database!
Finally, install TGMPA to manage plugins: : once you've downloaded the file, place it in a directory called "mu-plugins" in /wp-content, and decomment the code to handle plugins regsitration in functions.php.
Change configstore files owner
sudo chown -R userMachine /Users/userMachine/.config/configstore/
Installation of an existing WordPress project
First you need to install wp-cli as above.
After that, you can install npm modules:
cd project-name
npm i
Then you need to install the WordPress:
wp core download --locale=en_US
wp db create
wp core install --url=localhost --title=Stereosuper --admin_user=adminStereo --admin_password=azerty [email protected]
Finally, launch the server:
npm run dev
You also probably will need to connect to the admin, and install required plugins. If TGMPA was installed, go directly to Appearance > Install plugins.
- Hugo Giraudel for Sass Guidelines
- Chris Coyier for his book Practical SVG
- Loic Goyet for the training course on Gulp and Yeoman.
- Val Head for her book Designing interface animation
MIT © Adrien Le Menthéour | Elisabeth Hamel | Clément Lemoine | Alban Mezino