A generator for creating a static web app
A generator for creating a static web app
First, install Yeoman and generator-static-app using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-static-app
Then generate your new project:
yo static-app appName
##Running the project:
Put your static app within the public directory of the generated project, then run
gulp serve
and point your browser to the livereloaded server at localhost:3000 to see your app
##Building the project for Production:
Build the app for production, which minifies and optimizes files etc with
gulp build
then, you can run this production ready code with
NODE_ENV=production node .
Additional Notes:
Do include all your css and js links within the inject:css and inject:js blocks within public/index.html. This way, all your required js and css files will be minified and linked during production
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MIT © Vikram Thyagarajan