Generator for the basic IAM policy to allow a user to deploy a Serverless service
Serverless Policy Generator
This is a yeoman generator for creating the AWS Policy document that allows a user to deploy a Serverless service.
Simply run it and provide it with the name of the service and, optionally, the name of the stage and region for deployment (in case you want to limit the user in question).
A ${project}-${stage}-${region}-policy.json
file will be created (using _star_
instead of *
in the filename). If an Account ID is provided, the file will be named as ${account}-${project}-${stage}-${region}-policy.json
The contents of this can then be used to create a policy in your IAM dashboard.
This project requires Yeoman. Install it globally with:
npm install -g yo
NB: as of 2020-03-05 this requires node >= v10
Then install the generator:
npm install -y generator-serverless-policy
Now run in the directory in which you wish to output the policy JSON file:
yo serverless-policy
The generator will ask questions about region, stage, DynamoDB and S3 before outputting a policy. If this is the first time you have used Yeoman then Yeoman will prompt you about sharing analytics with them; the answer to this does not affect the generation of the policy.
The basic Policy Document is taken from here