Yeoman generator for requirejs + angularjs
You can view the online demo at:
- Install yeoman:
npm install -g yo
- Install bower:
npm install -g bower
- Install sero-cli:
npm install -g sero-cli
- Install this:
npm install -g generator-require-angular
Use generator-require-angular
yo require-angular
Answer questions as following demonstrated
And then, the project generated.
Debug your app
By using sero-cli, it's easy to start debugging your app.
Just move into the created directory with the given project name
Run sero
, and choose Start a static web server for current working directory
to start a debug web server(all options can be left with default value).
Open http://localhost:8080, and have fun.
Release your app
Move the root of the created project.
Run sero
, and choose Build Javascripts into one 'main.js'
to compile all the JavaScript codes into one file. The release folder is {root}/build/
You can copy the build
folder to anywhere you like, it's the released app.
Like have a try with the released app?
Move into {root}/build/
Run sero
and choose Start a static web server for current working directory
(all options can be left with default value).
Open http://localhost:8080 to watch the released version. See Network
in browser's debug tool, all javascript content compiled into the main.js