Yeoman generator for generating the boilerplate of React Webpack application with Karma Mocha testing frameworks.
#React Webpack Scaffold
A Yeoman generator that scaffolds React project with Webpack, Karma and more useful tools for you to write React application and unit tests.
##How to install
Step 1. Install Yeoman
$ npm install -g yo
$ npm install -g generator-react-webpack-scaffold
Step 2. Run yo react-webpack-scaffold
in an empty project folder
$ cd your-empty-project-folder
$ yo react-webpack-scaffold
That's it! Now you have a fully functional React project.
The scaffolded project has the following features:
- React (ES6 with Babel)
- React Intl (v2.0.x)
- Webpack and Webpack dev server
- Sass loader
- Karma + Mocha + Chai
- Unit test with Enzyme and Sinon
- Coverage report isparta
###1. React
The following features are supported:
Functional Component
const App = () => (
<div className='main-app'>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
Class Component
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className='main-app'>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
Class Properties
class Menu extends Component {
static propTypes = {
className: PropTypes.string,
Export Default
export default App;
Import .scss in Component
import './styles.scss';
const App = () => <div />;
###2. Localization
We use Yahoo's React Intl (v2.0) library to support localization.
1. To support a new locale, e.g. ja-JP, copy i18n/
to i18n/
, translate the locale messages.
2. Specify a LOCALE
env var in npm start
to debug for a specific locale:
$ LOCALE=en-US npm start
You can also build the bundle.js for a specific locale:
$ LOCALE=en-US npm run build
This will output the English bundle.js in dist/en-US
folder. Note, if you don't specify LOCALE
, default is en-US
3. To build bundle.js for all languages:
$ npm run release
This will output each supported language bundle.js along with the style sheets in dist/{locale}
###3. Webpack dev server
When you run your project by npm start
, webpack dev server watches the source files for changes and when changes are made the bundle will be recompiled.
###4. Sass loader
You can define styles for individual React components using import
. The good thing about importing styles is that you can define some base styles and import them for component-level styles.
###5. Unit test Assert & Expect
import { assert, expect } from 'chai';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
describe('Testing', () => {
it('should render the App', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<App />);
const sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
describe('Testing', () => {
afterEach(() => sandbox.verifyAndRestore());
it('should call the callback', () => {
const callback = sandbox.stub();
###6. Coverage Report
Code coverage report is geneated by istanbul
. npm run coveralls
will submit the coverage report to
You can setup passing thresholds for statements, branches, functions and lines.
==================== Coverage / Threshold summary =============================
Statements : 100% ( 46/46 ) Threshold : 90%, 4 ignored
Branches : 100% ( 31/31 ) Threshold : 90%, 13 ignored
Functions : 100% ( 10/10 ) Threshold : 90%
Lines : 100% ( 6/6 ) Threshold : 90%
The HTML and lcov reports can be found in the coverage folder.
##What can you do in the scaffolded project
####1. Run the project Launch webpack dev server
$ npm start
then navigate to http://localhost:5000
in your browser.
####2. Lint js and scss source codes ESLint with React linting options have been enabled.
$ npm run lint
####3. Unit test Start Karma test runner.
$ npm run test
Coverage report will be generated.
####4. Build the bundle Build files for production
$ npm run build
####5. Clean workspace Remove dist and coverage folders
$ npm run clean
###For localization feature
####1. Hot-load for a lanuage
$ LOCALE=en-US npm start
####2. Build bundle.js for a language
$ LOCALE=en-US npm run build
####3. Build all language bundles
$ npm run release