Yeoman Generator for Angular projects.
A fork of generator-mrwhite
Yeoman Generator for Angular Projects
- Provides a directory structure geared towards large Angular projects.
- Each controller, service, filter, interceptor and directive are placed in their own file.
- All files related to a conceptual unit are placed together. For example, the controller and HTML file for a partial are placed together in the same directory.
- Provides a ready-made Grunt build that produces an extremely optimized distribution.
- Build uses grunt-ng-annotate so you don't have to use the Angular injection syntax for safe minification (i.e. you dont need
- Build uses grunt-ng-annotate so you don't have to use the Angular injection syntax for safe minification (i.e. you dont need
- Integrates Bower for package management
- Includes Yeoman sub-generators for directives, services, partials, interceptors and filters
- Integrates Font Awesome
- Integrates LESS
- Includes a LESS file with general css classes that can be used across application
- Includes a LESS file with variables
- Testable - Included Yeoman sub-generators also build test skeletons using mocha, chai, sinon sinon-chai and grunt-mocha. Run test via
grunt test
Directory Layout
Below is an explanation of the folder structure.
/css ......................... contains app-wide styles and co.
app.less ................. main app styles
general.less ............. general css classes that can be used across project
variables.less ........... LESS variables file
/img ......................... images (not created by default but included in /dist if added)
/js .......................... app global javascript files
setup.js ................. angular module initialization and route setup
/directive ................... angular directives folder
my-directive.js .......... example simple directive
/my-directive2 ........... example complex directive (contains external partial)
my-directive2.js ..... complex directive javascript
my-directive2.html.... complex directive partial
my-directive2.less ... complex directive LESS
/interceptor ................. angular interceptors folder
MyInterceptor.js ......... example interceptor
/filter ...................... angular filters folder
my-filter.js ............. example filter
/model ....................... angular models - a factory implementation of service for non singletons
MyModel.js ............... example model. Note the capital first letter in the naming
/partial ..................... angular partials folder
/my-partial .............. example partial
my-partial.html ...... example partial html
my-partial.js ........ example partial controller
my-partial.less ...... example partial LESS
/service ..................... angular services folder
MyService.js ............. example service
/dist ........................ distributable version of app built using grunt and Gruntfile.js
/bower_components ............ 3rd party libraries managed by bower
/node_modules ................ npm managed libraries used by grunt
, andservice
directories won't exist until one of the relevant components is created using a sub-generator.
Getting Started
Prerequisites: Node, Grunt, Yeoman, and Bower. Once Node is installed, do:
npm install -g grunt-cli yo bower
Next, install this generator:
npm install -g generator-pinkman
To create a project:
mkdir MyNewAwesomeApp
cd MyNewAwesomeApp
yo pinkman
Grunt Tasks
Now that the project is created, you have 3 simple Grunt commands available:
grunt #Runs tests, starts the server and watch
grunt server #This will run a development server with watch & reload enabled.
grunt test #Run headless unit tests using PhantomJS.
grunt build #Places a fully optimized (minified, concatenated, and more) in /dist
Yeoman Subgenerators
There are a set of sub-generators to initialize empty Angular components. Each of these generators will:
- Create one or more skeleton files (javascript, LESS, html, etc) for the component type
- Create a skeleton unit test in /test
- Update index.html and add the necessary
tags. - Update app.less and add the @import as needed.
- For partials, update the setup.js, adding the necessary route call if a route was entered in the generator prompts.
There are generators for directive
, interceptor
, partial
, service
, model
and filter
Running a generator:
yo pinkman:directive my-awesome-directive
yo pinkman:interceptor MyInterceptor
yo pinkman:partial my-partial
yo pinkman:service MyService
yo pinkman:model MyModel
yo pinkman:filter my-filter
One quick note, each sub-generator pulls the Angular app/module name from the package.json. Therefore, if you choose to change the name of your Angular app/module, you must ensure that the name in the package.json stays in sync.
Build Process
The project will include a ready-made Grunt build that will:
- Build all the LESS files into one minified CSS file.
- Uses grunt-angular-templates to turn all your partials into Javascript.
- Uses grunt-ngmin to preprocess all Angular injectable methods and add the necessary Angular annotations to ensure minification will not break your app (and you don't have to use the array syntax to manually add the annotations nor $inject). Read more about ngmin.
- Concatenates and minifies all Javascript into one file.
- Replaces all appropriate script references in
with the minified CSS and JS files. - Minifies any images in
. - Minifies the
. - Copies any extra files necessary for a distributable build (ex. Font-Awesome font files, etc).
The resulting build loads only a few highly compressed files.
The build process uses grunt-dom-munger to pull script references from the index.html
. This means that the build will always pull all Javascript loaded in your index.html
. Adding a new library, new controller, new directive, etc does not require that you update the build (also the order of the scripts in your index.html
will be maintained when they're concatenated). Importantly, grunt-dom-munger
uses JQuery selectors to manage the parsing of the script tags. It is very easy to exclude certain scripts from the build. For example, the project includes a references to the livereload.js
from the grunt-contrib-watch
task. But this file should not be included in a production build. Thus the grunt-dom-munger
task is configured with a selector like script[data-build!="exclude"]
and the script tag for livereload.js
includes an attribute like data-build="exclude"
. You can use this flexibility in your project to include/exclude scripts in your production builds.