Yeoman generator for AngularJS with Gulp
Offers you a Yeoman generator to initiate a Web application with Angular powered by GulpJS.
Why generator-ng-ss ?
This is a fork for generator-gulp-angular.
This generator combines the best features of other generators like generator-gulp-angular, generator-angular, ngTailor and generator-gulp-webapp into an optimal workflow for starting applications with AngularJS powered by Gulp!
generator-ng-ss scaffolds an AngularJS application with a full-featured gulpfile.js, giving you immediate out-of-the-box access to all tasks for modern web development.
My intention is to create a generator that gives users total control over their development toolbox so they can immediately start projects with their preferred tools, such as specific UI frameworks or JavaScript preprocessors.
This project is one of many things that you can use to get started on a new app. For a comparison of the options and the trade-offs between them, please visit this link.
Create your project
Install the required tools: yo
, gulp
, bower
npm install -g yo gulp bower
Install generator-ng-ss
npm install -g generator-ng-ss
Make a new directory, and cd
into it:
mkdir my-new-project && cd $_
Run yo ng-ss
, optionally passing an app name:
yo ng-ss [app-name]
Yo options
yo ng-ss --help
or yo ng-ss -h
for help. All options are not required. If not provided, default values will be used.
customize Angular's app folder, relative to cwd, default issrc
customize build target folder, relative to cwd, default isdist
customize e2e test specs folder, relative to cwd, default ise2e
customize pre-processing temp folder, relative to cwd, default is.tmp
do not runbower install
andnpm install
after generating the app, default isfalse
(not skip)--skip-welcome-message
skip yo welcome messages, default isfalse
(not skip)--skip-message
skip install messages, default isfalse
(not skip)--default
use default configurations, default isfalse
prompt for advanced additional features, default isfalse
Paths configuration are stored in gulpfile.js
. Change options.(src|dist|tmp|e2e)
in gulpfile.js
if you want to config paths after the app is generated.
Warning: The paths are also written in the index.html
for the build with useref. If you want to change these paths, you also have to change the paths there in order to have the build task working.
Use Gulp tasks
orgulp build
to build an optimized version of your application in/dist
gulp serve
to launch a browser sync server on your source filesgulp serve:dist
to launch a server on your optimized applicationgulp test
to launch your unit tests with Karmagulp test:auto
to launch your unit tests with Karma in watch modegulp protractor
to launch your e2e tests with Protractorgulp protractor:dist
to launch your e2e tests with Protractor on the dist files
More information on the gulp tasks in this
Directory structure
Best Practice Recommendations for Angular App Structure
The root directory generated for a app with name gulpAngular
16 directories, 50 files
Also you can use sub-generators for creating program modules, components, etc. All of command should enter in main project folder.
Wrap-module is module which includes others wrap-modules or modules.
yo ng-ss:wrap-module <name> --path=<path>
For example, let's create module with name quest
in main
yo ng-ss:wrap-module quest --path=main
It will create index.js
file in folder app/main/quest
, also this file will be including in index.js
in app/main
If path is empty, it will be create in app
folder and including into index.module.js
yo ng-ss:module <name> --path=<path>
For example, lets create gold
in quest
yo ng-ss:module gold --path=main/quest
It will create next structure:app/main/quest/gold/index.js
Also gold
module will be including into quest module, and parts of gold
module will be including in
yo ng-ss:component <name> --include=<partsOfComponent> --exclude=<partsOfComponent>
and exclude
isn't mandatory parameters. If you don't enter it, generator will create all parts of component.
available parts of component
Also if you generate directive and controller together, controller will be included into directive.
This generator creates new component in components
with next structure
Also you can choose components which will be include or exclude from list of generating files.
For example
yo ng-ss:component test --include=view,controller
yo ng-ss:component test --exclude=style,directive
Features included in the gulpfile
- useref : allow configuration of your files in comments of your HTML file
- ngAnnotate : convert simple injection to complete syntax to be minification proof
- uglify : optimize all your JavaScript
- csso : optimize all your CSS
- rev : add a hash in the file names to prevent browser cache problems
- watch : watch your source files and recompile them automatically
- jshint : JavaScript code linter
- imagemin : all your images will be optimized at build
- Unit test (karma) : out of the box unit test configuration with karma
- e2e test (protractor) : out of the box e2e test configuration with protractor
- browser sync : full-featured development web server with livereload and devices sync
- angular-templatecache : all HTML partials will be converted to JS to be bundled in the application
- TODO lazy : don't process files which haven't changed when possible
Questions the generator will ask
- jQuery: jQuery 1.x, 2.x, Zepto, none
- Angular modules: animate, cookies, touch, sanitize
- Resource handler: ngResource, Restangular, none
- Router: ngRoute, UI Router, none
- UI Framework: Bootstrap, Foundation, Angular Material, none (depends on the chosen CSS preprocessor)
- UI directives : UI Bootstrap, Angular Strap, official Bootstrap JavaScript, Angular Foundation, official Foundation JavaScript, none (depends on the UI framework)
- CSS pre-processor: Less, Sass
- JS preprocessor: ECMAScript 6 (Traceur and Babel)
- HTML preprocessor: none
- TODO Script loader: Require, Webpack, none
- TODO Test framework: Jasmine, Mocha, Qunit