Exports the layout of a Microsoft SQL Server database to a JSON schema document.
Microsoft SQL Server Schema Generator (generator-mssql-schema)
Exports the layout of a Microsoft SQL Server database to a JSON schema document. Essentially, a CLI for the Microsoft SQL Server Schema Reader module.
Author & Usage
As I move from the Microsoft & .NET world to open source and MEAN Stack, there are certain "creature comforts" I cannot live without. One of those is a model-first (or domain-first) code generator. For this to exist we must have a way to expose the database's schema programmatically. This is why I created the Microsoft SQL Server Schema Reader (mssql-schema-reader) module. The actual code generator will eventually come however, in the meantime, we need a way to execute the Schema Reader. That is where the Microsoft SQL Server Schema Generator enters the picture. This Generator provides a simple CLI to the Microsoft SQL Server Schema Reader as well as providing a Yeoman harness for use by the forthcoming MSSQL-to-MongoDB API Gererator.
Fred Lackey
[email protected]
Requirements & Limitations
Please refer to the Microsoft SQL Server Schema Reader for complete requirements & limitations.
This tool is meant to be used in a development environment where security is not a concern. This is why the decision was made to store the password as clear text in thesettings.json
This generator was built for Yeoman, therefore the install command shall be...
npm isntall -g yo generator-mssql-schema
Files & Folders
Each run of the generator will create the following files and folders:
|-- settings.json Saved settings.
|--/schemas Data directory.
|-- schema.json Current layout of the database.
|-- schema-info.json Current raw data from the database.
|-- TestDB-1443046679-info.json Previous version of raw data.
|-- TestDB-1443046841-info.json An even older version of the raw data.
|-- TestDB-1443046855-info.json Really old version of the raw data.
Enhancement & Full API Generator
Keep in mind this generator was written as part of a bigger API generator. It is far from complete. In fact, if you are reading this, the first version of the generator is what you're seeing. Please let me know how you need it to function. I'll be happy to consider enhancements as I add to it.
Have a great day. =)
Fred Lackey
[email protected]
Last updated: 9/23/2015 7:48:26 PM