Generates a fullstack CRUD using Java and Vue.js, check the features list
Generates a CRUD based on a MySQL database schema located on your computer, with Kotlin and Vue.
This generator is used to build comercial large systems, open a issue to suggest an improvement :)
First, install Yeoman and generator-martinlabs using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-martinlabs
Then, you only need to create the project folder, open it on terminal and use this command:
yo martinlabs
It will ask you some questions to make the result more adequate to you
We are working to maintain our Java dependency
Today we are using martinlabs-commons dependency, which is on MavenCentral but is a little outdated, so, really soon it will be usable again
First of all, the code is clean, you will understand what is happening.
- A server that is ready for use in a Native Mobile App, no server-side rendering, it is all a Rest API using Jersey
- Simple Login system with a criptographed token storing credentials
- Transactions: when something throws an exception all database rollsback to it's original state before the operation begin
- Pure MySQL connection, No ORM. Why? It's easier to make powerful queries with high performance without ORM, and since we have a generator, we do not need an ORM to create simple queries for us
- UnitTests of EVERYTHING! 100% of code coverage, now you are sure that all methods are working
- Validation of null, empty, length, numeric and date types, e-mail fields and more.
- Compiling Server with Maven
- Vue.JS for client because it's the cleanest solution for this kind of software, Angular and React were evaluated, but Vue won the job
- Vue plugins like: v-mask (input mask), vue-i18n (translation), vue-moment (show dates), vue-resource (fetch data to our server), vue-router (to make a single page app),
- Sass with flex box for layout and simple-line-icons
- Other libraries: js-sha1 (for passwords), lodash (object manipulation), moment (working with dates), simplestorage.js (local storage)
- Compiling javascript with webpack with hotreload
- Airbnb Eslint
WOW! Seems a lot! Well, we are working on it and are trying a lot of technologies for a long time, improving and updating this generator constantly.