Nodejs project generator, able to generate framework and entity classes.
This is a node background service generator that generates framework and entity classes.
In order to ensure that the background required for a set of front-end projects can switch seamlessly between jhipster and nodejs, the interface specification and jhipster are as consistent as possible, including authorization and authentication methods.
- yeoman needs to be installed.
npm install -g yo
- The entity class generation section requires the JSON file generated using [JDL], Those who are not familiar with JDL can find relevant documents and help on jhipster official website.
npm install -g generator-jhipster
npm install -g generator-magic-node
Generating scaffold.
mkdir node-project cd node-project yo magic-node
Generating entity classes.
Please go to jdl-studio to write the data table and export it to the project root directory. For example, the file I exported is jhipster-jdl.jh
cp jhipster-jdl.jh node-project/jhipster-jdl.jh cd node-project jhipster import-jdl jhipster-jdl.jh
After successful execution, .jhipster folder will appear in the current project file directory.
Execute the command to generate the entity class.
yo magic-node --lang=zh --entity=Region
yo magic-node language[en/zh/ja] en What generates? Entity class Entity name: Region
Run project.
npm install tsc -g npm install npm run start
Entity profile templates
{ "javadoc": "region", "name": "Region", "fields": [ { "javadoc": "name", "fieldName": "name", "fieldType": "String", "fieldValidateRules": [ "required", "maxlength" ], "fieldValidateRulesMaxlength": 64 }, { "javadoc": "create time", "fieldName": "createTime", "fieldType": "Instant", "fieldValidateRules": ["required"] }, { "javadoc": "update time", "fieldName": "updateTime", "fieldType": "Instant", "fieldValidateRules": ["required"] }, { "javadoc": "is visible", "fieldName": "isVisible", "fieldType": "Boolean", "fieldValidateRules": ["required"] }, { "javadoc": "is delete", "fieldName": "isDelete", "fieldType": "Boolean", "fieldValidateRules": ["required"] } ], "relationships": [], "changelogDate": "20190706100248", "entityTableName": "region", "dto": "mapstruct", "pagination": "pagination", "service": "serviceImpl", "jpaMetamodelFiltering": true, "fluentMethods": true, "clientRootFolder": "", "applications": "*" }
Directory structure
.jhipster # Data model config.
│-- Region.json
│-- controller # Control layer, interface entry.
│-- entity # Entity layer, data model class location.
│-- enum # Enum class.
│-- index.ts
│-- middleware
│-- migration
│-- sample # Sample data for automatically creating template data at project startup.
│-- subscriber
│-- util
Generated control layer example
import { Context } from 'koa';
import { getManager } from 'typeorm';
import Region from '../entity/Region';
import { validate } from 'class-validator';
import Elastic from '../util/Elastic';
import { setRoute, RequestMethod } from '../middleware/Routes';
import { getElasticSearchParams, setElasticSearchPagingHeader, deleteSuccessfulResponse, getRequestParamId } from '../util/Tools';
import { BadRequestAlertException, NotFoundAlertException } from '../middleware/RequestError';
export default class RegionAction {
* get
* @param {Application.Context} context
* @param decoded
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async getRegion(context: Context, decoded?: any) {
const id = getRequestParamId(context);
const regionRepository = getManager().getRepository(Region);
const region: Region = await regionRepository.findOne(id);
if (region) {
context.body = region;
} else {
throw new NotFoundAlertException();
* post
* @param {Application.Context} context
* @param decoded
* @returns {Promise<void>}
@setRoute('/api/regions', RequestMethod.POST)
async createRegion(context: Context, decoded?: any) {
const regionRepository = getManager().getRepository(Region);
let region: Region = regionRepository.create(<Region>{
const errors = await validate(region);
if (errors.length > 0) {
throw new BadRequestAlertException(null, errors);
} else {
await getManager().save(region);
region = await regionRepository.findOne(;
await Elastic.syncCreate(region, regionRepository.metadata.tableName);
context.body = region;
* put
* @param {Application.Context} context
* @param decoded
* @returns {Promise<void>}
@setRoute('/api/regions', RequestMethod.PUT)
async updateRegion(context: Context, decoded?: any) {
const regionRepository = getManager().getRepository(Region);
let region: Region = regionRepository.create(<Region>{
const errors = await validate(region);
if (errors.length > 0) {
throw new BadRequestAlertException(null, errors);
} else {
await regionRepository.update(, region);
region = await regionRepository.findOne(;
await Elastic.syncUpdate(region, regionRepository.metadata.tableName);
context.body = region;
* delete
* @param {Application.Context} context
* @param decoded
* @returns {Promise<void>}
@setRoute('/api/regions/:id', RequestMethod.DELETE)
async deleteRegion(context: Context, decoded?: any) {
const id = getRequestParamId(context);
const regionRepository = getManager().getRepository(Region);
await regionRepository.delete(id);
await Elastic.syncDelete(id, regionRepository.metadata.tableName);
deleteSuccessfulResponse(context, id)
* find
* @param {Application.Context} context
* @param decoded
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async findRegion(context: Context, decoded?: DecodedUserInfo) {
const fields = [
const regionRepository = getManager().getRepository(Region);
const condition: any = {
where: createSearchSqlRepositoryBody(context.request.query, fields)
const count = await regionRepository.count(condition);
setRepositoryPagingParams(condition, getSqlSearchPagingParams(context));
const list = await regionRepository.find(condition);
setSqlSearchPagingHeader(context, count);
context.body = list;
* search
* @param {Application.Context} context
* @param decoded
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async searchRegion(context: Context, decoded?: any) {
const res: any = await, 'region');
setElasticSearchPagingHeader(context, res);
context.body =;
Interface example
Request:curl --request POST \ --url http://localhost:3000/api/regions \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --header 'postman-token: 137cfaa2-bba3-94c6-a73d-858bf899f3c7' \ --data '{\n "regionName": "CN"\n}'
POST /api/regions HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:3000 Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: ffe8ff8c-f9e2-60be-dc1a-0f7e5e2b2383 { "regionName": "CN" }
{ "regionName": "CN", "id": 1 }
Request:curl --request PUT \ --url http://localhost:3000/api/regions \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --header 'postman-token: e4cae952-07bc-0857-73be-9d2099d3954f' \ --data '{\n "id": 1,\n "regionName": "JP"\n}'
PUT /api/regions HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:3000 Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: 604881ef-c221-f756-e3c5-6e1e58163b6c { "id": 1, "regionName": "JP" }
{ "id": 1, "regionName": "JP" }
Request:curl --request DELETE \ --url http://localhost:3000/api/regions/1 \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --header 'postman-token: d0bd6631-b56d-3c14-565a-f1a6d14aba47'
DELETE /api/regions/1 HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:3000 Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: 70b023ea-b101-c46e-9240-90f1909c2107
{ "id": "1" }
Request:curl --request GET \ --url http://localhost:3000/api/regions/1 \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --header 'postman-token: 32045bad-4ed5-fbfa-4a7f-9b2686eb3891'
GET /api/regions/1 HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:3000 Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: ca50cf1d-7e72-70a2-37c8-037bfcc5893f
{ "id": 1, "regionName": "CN" }
Search (use Elasticsearch)
Query parameters:- query: Query string, please go to elastic for relevant documents.
- page: Page index, Starting from the 0, default 0.
- size: Page size, default 0.
- sort: Sort,Please go to elastic for relevant documents.
curl --request GET \ --url 'http://localhost:3000/api/_search/regions?query=regionName%3ACN&page=0&size=10' \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --header 'postman-token: 12afa220-9d89-6f7c-97b9-1dde9f4c8c85'
GET /api/_search/regions?query=regionName:CN&page=0&size=10 HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:3000 Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: 260f20fc-4697-51a1-38cb-ceeb4259ea23
headerx-page: 0 x-size: 10 x-total-count: 1
[ { "id": 1, "regionName": "CN" } ]
Search (use Mysql)
Query parameters:- *.equals: Condition, example: regionName.equals=CN.
- *.contains: Condition.
- *.in: Condition,,2,3.
- *.specified: Condition, example: name.specified=true.
- *.greaterOrEqualThan: Condition, example: id.greaterOrEqualThan=2.
- *.greaterThan: Condition.
- *.lessOrEqualThan: Condition.
- *.lessThan: Condition.
- page: Page index, Starting from the 0, default 0.
- size: Page size, default 0.
- sort: Sort, example: sort=id,DESC&sort=regionName,ASC
curl --request GET \ --url 'http://localhost:3000/api/_search/regions?regionName.equals=CN&sort=id%2CDESC&page=0&size=10' \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --header 'postman-token: 2bee9d1e-d406-a8fc-47fb-01f0cd5a661a'
GET /api/_search/regions?regionName.equals=CN&sort=id,DESC&page=0&size=10 HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:3000 Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: 88a2fc33-7d21-7395-ee59-d09c2399c571
headerx-page: 0 x-size: 10 x-total-count: 1
[ { "id": 1, "regionName": "CN" } ]
Authorize the use of the JWT protocol, The interface is the same as jhipster's JWT authorized login interface.
Get Token
Request:curl --request POST \ --url http://localhost:3000/api/authenticate \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --header 'postman-token: dd8547b8-5c18-e5b1-e0e9-621de99914f1' \ --data '{\n "password": "admin",\n "username": "admin"\n}'
POST /api/authenticate HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:3000 Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: 53e4cacc-d444-ed3c-be50-c107693b8d1e { "password": "admin", "username": "admin" }
{ "id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.9y9YOKtJaT33T56A2mKKrSeI0ojCmUFPU5JxvLNR3ds" }
Get Account info
Request:curl --request GET \ --url http://localhost:3000/api/account \ --header 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.9y9YOKtJaT33T56A2mKKrSeI0ojCmUFPU5JxvLNR3ds' \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'postman-token: bc7974d7-c9ff-8ccb-1037-0efdb099db88'
GET /api/account HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:3000 Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.9y9YOKtJaT33T56A2mKKrSeI0ojCmUFPU5JxvLNR3ds Cache-Control: no-cache Postman-Token: 0697e795-506d-fb51-f35a-cf6009437a8d
{ "id": 3, "login": "admin", "firstName": "Administrator", "lastName": "Administrator", "email": "admin@localhost", "imageUrl": "", "activated": 1, "langKey": "en", "activationKey": null, "resetKey": null, "createdBy": "system", "createdDate": null, "resetDate": null, "lastModifiedBy": "system", "lastModifiedDate": null, "authorities": [ "ROLE_ADMIN", "ROLE_USER" ] }
Api access control and data filtering
API prefixes control whether an interface is exposed to external access. /config/RouterSecurityConfiguration.ts
export enum RouterSecurityType { PERMIT = 'permit', AUTHENTICATED = 'authenticated', REJECT = 'reject' } export default { '/api': RouterSecurityType.AUTHENTICATED, '/api/authenticate': RouterSecurityType.PERMIT }
The Action method in the controller layer is shown below, which is annotated to control role permissions.
decoded.allowRole refers to the permission of the role that allows the user to come in. Generally speaking, the user may have multiple roles, so when multiple permissions can be matched, allowRole only records the permission name at the top of the AuthorityCode array. /controller/RegionAction.ts
/** * post * @param {Application.Context} context * @param decoded * @returns {Promise<void>} */ @setRoute('/api/regions', RequestMethod.POST, [AuthorityCode.ROLE_ADMIN, AuthorityCode.ROLE_USER]) async createRegion(context: Context, decoded?: DecodedUserInfo) { const regionRepository = getManager().getRepository(Region); let region: Region = regionRepository.create(<region>{ ...context.request.body }); if (decoded.allowRole === AuthorityCode.ROLE_USER) { Audit.addCreateInfo(region, decoded.user); region.isPublic = false; region.isDelete = false; region.isVisible = true; } const errors = await validate(region); if (errors.length > 0) { throw new BadRequestAlertException(null, errors); } else { await; region = await regionRepository.findOne(; await Elastic.syncCreate(region,regionRepository.metadata.tableName); context.body = region; } } /** * search * @param {Application.Context} context * @param decoded * @returns {Promise<void>} */ @setRoute('/api/_search/regions', RequestMethod.GET, [AuthorityCode.ROLE_ADMIN, AuthorityCode.ROLE_USER]) async searchArticleRegion(context: Context, decoded?: DecodedUserInfo) { let filter; if (decoded.allowRole === AuthorityCode.ROLE_USER) { filter = [ { term: { createUser: decoded.user.login } } ] } const res: any = await, filter), 'article_region'); setElasticSearchPagingHeader(context, res); context.body =;
Technology stack
MIT © snowfox