Yeoman generator for LeadConduit Integrations
LeadConduit Integration Generator
What is this?
This tool is provided for developers who wish to create a new integration for the LeadConduit platform. After asking a few simple questions, it generates the code and tests necessary to integrate a third party system with LeadConduit. It is intended that the generated code be customized to account for the specifics of integrating with a particular system.
Getting Started
LeadConduit integrations are written in JavaScript or CoffeeScript on the Node.JS platform. You must have Node.JS installed in order to develop integrations or use this generator.
You must also have the Yeoman tool and this generator installed:
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-leadconduit-integration
Finally, create a directory for your new integration. Use the leadconduit-integration-*
naming convention, where
is the name of the service you are integrating with:
mkdir leadconduit-integration-foobar
Once those steps are done, you're ready to generate a new LeadConduit integration.
Set up GitHub for version control
We strongly recommend creating a public GitHub repository for your new integration before you run the generator. Doing this step now is optional, but you'll need to do it eventually and it makes the generator a little smarter. Follow the online instructions before you generate your integration.
How to generate a LeadConduit Integration
In the directory for your integration, run the generator using yo
cd leadconduit-integration-foobar
yo leadconduit-integration
After answering a short series of questions, your integration will be generated. The integration code can be found
in the src/
directory and the tests for your code can be found in the spec/
How to test your integration
The generator created some tests for you based on the answers you gave. You can run the tests as follows:
cake test
When you make changes to the code, you will also need to change the tests. We will not allow integrations on to the platform which have broken or inadequate tests, so make sure you give due attention to the tests.
How to ask for help
If you're trying to write an integration but are running into any sort of trouble, we're always here to help. Send an email to our Support Team and we'll reply right away. When asking for help, it's best if the integration is committed to GitHub so that we can look at it, pull it down, and run it as we're helping you work through your questions.
How to submit an integration
Once you have finished your integration and are satisfied that you have excellent test coverage, send an email to our Support Team to let use know that you'd like to include your integration on the LeadConduit platform.
Generally speaking there are three steps that must be taken to take your integration live:
- Publish your integration as an NPM package using
npm publish
- Open a GitHub pull request against the leadconduit-integrations repository to add your integration to the package.json file.
- Wait for our team to approve your integration. Once it is approved, we will merge your pull request and your integration will go live in our next release.
About integration versioning
We use Semantic Versioning and you should too. But if you don't know how, don't worry. We'll help ensure that your package version makes sense before we include it on the platform or before we allow updates to your integration.