Generates a template for homework latex documents.
LaTeX Homework Generator
This Yeoman generator creates the skeleton for a homework assignment done in LaTeX.
First, you must have Yeoman installed.
yarn global add yo
Then cd
to wherever you are storing your homework
and add this generator:
yarn add generator-latex-homework
To start a new homework assignment:
yo latex-homework
If you use no arguments, as above, then Yeoman will prompt you for the necessary information. Otherwise, you can pass it through the command line:
yo latex-homework <homework-number> <questions> <name>
Where <homework-number>
and <questions>
are positive integers,
the first representing which homework assignment, and the second
representing the number of questions. <name>
is a string:
the author name which will appear on the paper.
Notes on the LaTeX document
The base LaTeX document makes use of several useful packages which should be installed:
- amsmath
- For Mathematical formulas.
- graphicx
- For including images.
- geometry
- For image layout.
- minted
- For source code (requires Python: uses Pygments to render the code with syntax highlighting.)
- hyperref
- For hyperlink references.
If you would like embetter this -- and there is much embetterment to be had -- then submit a pull request at the github repo.