Quickly start doing a code kata with yeoman!
A generator for Yeoman.
Getting Started
This generator generates a directory structure to write a kata like GameOfLife with JavaScript or CoffeeScript in TDD. The current version of this generator uses Jasmine with the BDD style to write you tests. It uses Karma as testrunner and phantom.js as browser.
To work with this template do the following steps:
- install karma as global node module with npm install karma -g
- install phantom.js as global node module with npm install phantomjs -g
- all other dependencies will be automatically installed after the generator has been executed
After you've installed all required modules you just have to enter yo kata in the directory in that you'll save the files. When you enter yo kata --coffee karma will use the coffee-script preprocessor and you can use CoffeeScript as language.
- run npm start to execute the tests with the PhantomJS Browser
- run npm test to execute the tests with ChromeCanary or Chrome with the ability to debug your tests.
Since version 0.0.10 ES6 is supported with the 6to5 transpiler. It is integrated via a karma preprocessor. That means that all your code will automatically transpiled to ES5 code before the tests will be executed.
Version history
- 0.26
- Updated dependencies (Thanks to @iliya.luzyanin for contributing)
- 0.25
- Fix a problem with Babel 6.0
- Add support for Typescript
- 0.24
- Fix a warning with an unresovled peer dependency
- Update versions of npm dependencies
- 0.23
- Use always the latest version of dependent npm modules
- 0.22
- Updated the version of some npm modules
- 0.19
- Switched from 6to5 to babel
- Karma searches just for coffee files when user wants to use coffee.
- 0.18
- Add option to choose between JavaScript or CoffeeScript (Thanks to @ilkererde for his contribution)
- 0.17
- Fix problem with missing dependencies
- Add option if dependencies shall automatically installed
- 0.13
- Name of author removed
- Name of kata will be used for file names
- Add some aliases for beforeEach like establish and because to clarify the sense of a code block
- 0.10
- Add support for ES6 via the karma 6to5 preprocessor
- 0.09
- Installation of Growl reporter is optional