Static page generator with routes support thats infinitely awesome
This is a static page generator with basic support for routing. The idea behind this tool is to streamline development of static webpages with the best of Webpack and related tools.
What is included?
- Linting tools with sane defaults - stylelint and eslint
- Hot reloading in development
- Babel with env preset activated that takes care of polyfills, as well
- JavaScript minification and dead code removal
- SASS compilation, prefixing, and minification
- A library for managing media breakpoints (media-blender)
- Handlebars as a templating language (with helpers, layouts, and partials)
- Support for routes (flat and nested build structure)
Getting started
Running this is really simple. You'll need this generator and yo
npm install -g yo generator-infinitely-static
mkdir my-project
cd my-project
git init
yo infinitely-static
Note: After the project is initialized run npm install husky --save-dev
When Yeoman finishes you have a working project.
Running hot reload server
npm start
Production build
npm run build
Adding routes is also simple. In the root of the project you will find routes.json
, containing the initial index
route. The route configuration also supports nesting and template data.
"index": { // points to the template file in app/templates/pages/index.hbs
"route": "/", // don't forget the trailing slash
"context": { // data that you can use in the page
"user": {
"name": "Super user"
"contact": {
"route": "contact/me/" // will generate nested routes
Afterwards, in your templates you can use the included {{linkTo}}
helper like this:
<a href="{{linkTo 'index'}}">Home</a>
And for the user data you can use the getDataAsString
<h1>{{getDataAsString ''}}</h1>
If the data is simple (array, string, Number, etc.) it will be shown as usual, but
if you reference an object you'll get a stringified JSON. But, remember, the data can
be accessed directly by using the htmlWebpackPlugin.options
object in the template:
That way you can iterate thru an array specified in the context using the build-in helpers.
The MIT License
© 2016 Infinum Inc.