A generator for Google Closure applications using the Idea Framework.
Yeoman generator for Google Closure applications using the Idea Framework.
Getting Started
$ npm install -g yo generator-idea
Yeoman API
Creating a new Google Closure MVC application is simple. Enter the following command into the command line and it will automatically create a project directory for you.
$ yo idea
Simple scaffolding components were added to easily create the base components of the application.
$ yo idea:controller Customer
This command creates a new controller named CustomerController and its associated test class CustomerControllerTest.
$ yo idea:model Customer
This command creates a new model named CustomerModel and its associated test class CustomerModelTest.
$ yo idea:view Customer
This command creates a new view name Customer and an associated style sheet.
$ yo idea:scaffold Customer
For cases where the model, view and controller components are all required, a simple scaffolding component was provided that will generate all components.
$ yo idea:object {package}
An object generator was provided that will generate an object and it's associated test class.
The object generator will take a package parameter. For example, yo idea:object app.utils.NetworkUtils
will create a file with the appropriate package in the JavaScript source directory.
Grunt API
grunt build
Generates a dependency file, generates all JavaScript views, and generates an uncompressed css file for development use.
grunt compile
Concatenates and minifies all files using the Google Closure Compiler. This task also generates a minified css file using the less source provided.
grunt test
Tests your JavaScript with the Jasmine unit test cases. A karma.conf.js file is also provided for continuous testing using the task runner outside of grunt.
grunt pre-deploy
Executes the previous three tasks in sequence. Useful as a Jenkins or Travis build task dependency before deploying out to a production or staging server.
Runs the build and compile scripts by default. It is not always necessary to compile, but building often is highly recommended.
grunt dev-server
Starts up a server with the development resources available. This allows for easy debugging with uncompiled code.
grunt prod-server
Starts up a server with the production resources available. This allows for testing of compiled code before it reaches production.