Scaffold a harp application using EJS and sass
Harp Static Site Generator... Generator
Help me make this better! If something in generator-harp could be better, or just doesn't work, tell me about it in an issue, or even take a stab at fixing it yourself in a fork and making a pull request. You can do it!
Getting Started
Before you being, you might want to familiarize yourself with harp at This generator currently creates a harp project using EJS, vanilla Javascript and Sass, but you can also use Markdown, Jade, LESS, Stylus and Coffeescript for preprocessing your project.
You will need to have NPM installed. Get it at
Installing Prerequisites: Node, Gulp and Harp
Once you have node installed, use npm to install all prerequisites
$ npm install -g yo gulp harp
if you get an EACCESS error, run this command with sudo
Install this generator
$ npm install -g generator-harp
if you get an EACCESS error, run this command with sudo
Create your project!
$ mkdir project-name
$ cd project-name
$ yo harp
Run the application
to run the site locally for development, just use the command $ gulp
to compile down the static site assets to publish to a service like github pages, use the command $ npm run compile
in the project's root directory.
You'll find the compiled site in a folder called dist
in the project directory.
Directory Structure
gulpfile.js................... gulp tasks for harp server and build
harp.json..................... defines the root of the harp project
package.json.................. defines project dependencies
/public....................... directory for all public facing assets
_layout.ejs................. base markup including <head> which will wrap your views
index.ejs................... index file which will be templated into _layout.ejs
main.scss................. the primary manifest and base styles for your sass
/partials................. this directory is here to contain your sass partials
/scaffolding.............. some scaffolding and base declarations
_colors.scss............ a file to define color variables
_type.scss.............. a file to define type variables
_scaffolding.scss....... a file in which I've included some flexbox placeholders, breakpoint mixins and more for you to optionally use
/scripts.................... where you will store your javascript
ui.js..................... a base, vanilla javscript file with an empty onLoad structure
/views...................... where you will build individual pages' markup
/partials................. where you will build reusable ejs partials
/img........................ where you will store all image assets