Website boilerplate generator for yeoman
[Generator-fronty] ( v5.0.0
Frontend boilerplate built on yeoman, bower and grunt.
It's something like Atomic Design and BEM principles I use in HTML\CSS part:
- Blocks can contain own elements and other blocks.
- Elements can contain elements of parent's block or other blocks.
- Block modificators can change own block elements and other child blocks.
- Styles depend on classes, not tags or ids.
- No cascades! (just if one block changes while entering another or modificator changes block\element and it's blocks\elements)
- No global modificators, just with blocks and elements, except parent modificators (see Option 2 in "Block to block modificators")
- For reusable styling use particles (atoms — mixins\placeholders).
- Separate styles and scripts, use data-* attributes and IDs for logic and classes for styling. (But if DOM manipulation perfomance matters, you know what to do by yourself)
- Every reusable component should be separate block
.block-name {};
.block-name__element-name {};
.block-name_modificator {};
.block-name__element-name_modificator {};
.block-name {
&._modificator {}
.block-name__element-name {
&._modificator {}
Block to block modificators:
// Option 1.
// parent-block.scss
.parent-block {
&._reverse-color {
background: black;
.child-block {
background: white;
.child-block__element {
color: black;
// child-block.scss
.child-block {}
// Option 2.
// parent-block.scss
.parent-block {
&._reverse-color {
// child-block.scss
._reverse-color {
.child-block {
.child-block__element {
color: black;
Particles (atoms) concept:
@mixin particle-name () {
margin: 1em 0
%particle-name {};
.block-name {
@include %particle-name();
// or
@extend %particle-name;
npm install -g generator-fronty
cd myProjectFolder
yo fronty
grunt serve
grunt build
grunt [build] # build project
grunt build:server # build and load server
grunt serve # connect server with livereload for prototyping
grunt pre # fast build with no minification for debugging
grunt wPre # prebuild with watch
grunt wPre:server # prebuild with watch and server
grunt block:name # add block with html,sass files and add it to styles/_blocks.sass
grunt rBlock:name # remove block
grunt uBlocks # updates blocks.sass
grunt render # renders all .mustache templates to html files
Templates navigation:
- Ctrl+SHift+X
- 3 double taps with two fingers
- Node.js:
- Grunt-cli
- Bower
- Yeoman
Files and folders explanation
app/ - source folder
dist/ - production folder
index.html - source index file
production.html - production index file
other .html in root - templates from "grunt render" command
app/bower - vendor files installed from bower
app/scripts/dev/ - files for development purposes only
dist/templates/render/ - rendered templates from "grunt render" command
Release History
- 5.0.0 some rethinking of core concepts.
- 4.1.0 grunt render task and production.html added, collector.html deprecated.
- 4.0.0 Static pages deprecated, all dependencies updates.
- 3.0.0 New HTML\CSS methodology, major updates and bug fixes.
- 2.3.0 Watch expanded with browser-sync.
- 2.2.0 Collector.html helps you construct static layout from mustache templates.
- 2.1.0 Compass and Ruby Sass changed to node-sass (it's really fast 5-10x).
- 2.0.0 Foundation 5 is here and set by default.