Modular front-end boilerplate including declarative views
Frontify Boilerplate
Framework for your simple, maintainable & super-fast front-end application.
Notice: This is a generator for Yeoman.
Getting Started
$ npm install -g yo grunt-cli
$ npm install generator-frontify
$ yo frontify
Generate Module
$ yo frontify:module Example
What is it?
Framework for your simple, maintainable & super-fast front-end application
- Complete front-end/back-end separation
- Small footprint
- Minimal production dependencies
- Maintainability through a component system for HTML/CSS/JS (with naming conventions)
- Declarative View/Layout through json configuration
- Built-in CSS pre-compiler support
- Auto-compilation on changes
- Simple and fast development environment
- Minimal deployment bundle for production (static files)
- Optimized resources for production (concatenated, minified)
- Extensible
- Fast!
The following requirements are only needed for development.
What's included
- JQuery (Framework)
- TerrificJS (Modularization)
- doT.js (Templating)
- path.js (Routing)
- LESS (Pre-Compiler)
- YUI CSS Reset (Cross-Browser Style Reset)
Getting started
This application uses grunt to build it's components and run itself. If you haven't used grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide. Once you're familiar with that process, run the application with the command:
grunt app
This command generates all resources needed by the front-end and runs it within a node server. You don't have to install an additional webserver. The script opens up your default browser on
Notice: You are not limited to a node server. You can run the application on every webserver.
To prepare your application for deployment, run the following command to create a zip package dist/
with all resources and assets needed for deployment on a webserver.
grunt dist
Pre-Compilation, Concatenation & Minification
Normally, the following tasks do not need to be run manually, because of the watch tasks.
Compiles all *.less
files as combined css.
grunt less
Concatenate all javascript files and build combined files with the concat
grunt concat
Minify all javascript files using the uglify
grunt uglify
Minify all css files using the cssmin
grunt cssmin
Each component or block of the UI is called module. Examples are Logo
or Navigation
. These modules are located in the src/modules
directory and they contain all their relevant *.html
, *.css/*.less
and *.js
files. This separates the code in a maintainable way, even for very large applications.
HTML Skeleton
All .html
files are handled as doT templates (open-source javascript template engine). Read more about the syntax in the documentation.
<div class="mod mod-example"></div>
CSS/LESS Skeleton
Here's an example of such a module css snippet. Placed as src/modules/Example/css/example.less
. You can use LESS syntax to make use of mixins, variables & other pre-compilation features. Read the documentation for more information on the syntax.
Be sure to use prefix .mod-modulename for every rule. Scoping is important for maintainable code.
@import "variables.less";
.mod-example { }
Javascript Skeleton
You can write vanilla javascript or you can create modules (recommended), a concept introduced by the open-source library Terrific.js. Read more about the usage and features in the documentation. Modules are great for writing small pieces of maintainable javascript code scoped on the actual module, rather than on the whole application.
Here's an example of such a module javascript snippet. Placed as src/modules/Example/js/example.js
(function($) {
Tc.Module.Example = Tc.Module.extend({
on: function(callback) {
// your bindings here (e.g. onclick, etc.)
after: function() {
// your module code here (e.g. AJAX calls, etc.)
The application views are configured within src/api/app/views.json
Here's an example of a view configuration.
"id": 1,
"route": "/example",
"title": "Example",
"layout": "default",
"modules": {
"content": [ "article-home"]
All layouts are located in src/modules/Layout
. Each layout defines regions with data-region
attributes. They are filled with the modules configured in the corresponding view, as seen above.
Here's an example of the default layout markup (src/modules/Layout/layout-default.html
<header data-region="header"></header>
<div data-region="content"></div>
<footer data-region="footer"></footer>
and here is the definition of the default state (default modules, etc.), which will be extended through the specific view configuration.
"id": "default",
"modules": {
"header": [ "logo", "navigation" ]
All compilations needed for run-time are done automatically on file changes. Sometimes it's needed to run grunt app
to get freshly compiled files.
The JavaScript build generates two concatenated `*.js files.
Minified version of javascript librariesdist/assets/js/application.min.js
Minified version of application-specific javascript
In addition, there are some language specific javascript files generated.
Minified version of application-specific css
The framework is intended to be compatible with all major browsers, including IE7+.
Built by Roger Dudler @ Frontify & Frank Vollenweider @ Pixabytes