Generate a baisc Elm project with Parcel
Generates a simple Elm project, built with Parcel.
Why Parcel?
One of the nice things about Elm is that there's a lot less configuration to manage than in most JS build pipelines. Combining it with something like Webpack negates some of that benefit a bit, IMO. I prefer build tools that require less configuration, so Parcel works well for me!
Getting Started
Install yeoman.
npm install -g yo
Install generator-elm-parcel.
npm install -g generator-elm-parcel
Note: You don't have to install it globally, but it's designed to be run from the parent directory of the project you want to create, and it's usually inconvenient to install locally there.
Create your project
In the parent directory of your (soon-to-be) project:
▶ yo elm-parcel
? What is your project called? myProject
? Please provide a brief description of your project: It's gonna be so great!
? Who is the author of this project? I am!
? What license would you like to use? (SPDX identifier) Apache-2.0
create .gitignore
create app/css/style.css
create app/elm/Main.elm
create app/index.html
create app/js/app.js
create elm-stuff/0.19.0/Main.elmi
create elm-stuff/0.19.0/Main.elmo
create elm-stuff/0.19.0/summary.dat
create elm.json
create package.json
create tests/Example.elm
? What would you like to use to install dependencies? (Use arrow keys)
❯ npm
I'm all done. Running npm install for you to install the required dependencies. If this fails, try running the command yourself.
...NPM makes a bunch of noise...
You're all set. The generated in /whever/you/started/myProject contains
instructions for running the live server, tests, etc.
Have fun!
What about Less, Sass, ESlint, Typescript, Coffescript, Bucklescript, Service Workers, Babel, Autoprefixer, Bootstrap, PostCSS, PostHTML...???
I like starting with a basic project and adding those things as I need them. Also, my preferences for many of those options might not match up with yours! I'd rather provide something basic without too many opinions baked in than scare people off by picking their least favorite CSS preprocessor.
However, I think it would be interesting to add additional generators that folks could use after the basic setup to configure those things as they need. If there's something in particular you'd like to see, open an issue and maybe we figure out a pattern to incorporate it with that approach.