Yeoman generator for apps at The Dallas Morning News
A Yeoman generator for DMN-flavored node apps.
Setting up
Install dependencies:
$ npm install -g yo
$ npm install -g gulp
$ npm install -g nodemon
$ npm install -g shelljs
$ npm install -g generator-dmnapps
Also install ImageMagick for rendering images.
Create a clean directory for your app:
mkdir your-app-directory
cd your-app-directory
Finally, initiate the generator in your app directory.
yo dmnapps
Important: Pay special attention when prompted to enter the sub- the project will live at on the server. It is not easily changed after being set.
The generator will set up your working directory, install dependencies, copy template files and scripts, start a nodemon
server and open your browser.
This generator use gulp
to watch your directories for changes, compile scss files and automatically reload your browser.
To start your server:
$ gulp
See the dmninteractives wiki for information on working with static files and HTML templates.
The behavior of the app is similar for static files, except files are rendered directly into the public
folder, rather than to a preview
HTML templates are not rendered into static pages, rather served via the app.
The generator will setup your app to serve from the sub-URI you specified. This is important to remember when navigating routes. For example, a route at /employees
will be served at localhost:4000/my-project-name/employees
Deploying your app
There are several gulp tasks to help deploy, serve and take down your app from our servers using git and github.
First, get a developer to setup a directory on the test and production servers for your project. She will clone the project to var/www/
and create an .env
file with database and other private credentials.
Available gulp tasks are separated into three categories:
pushes code to the serverserve
registers the app with the nginx web server, making your app publicpull
de-registers the app with nginx, removing your app from any public URL
Each of these are combined with a suffix to be run on either the test or production server. For example:
gulp deploy-test
will push code to the test server.
gulp serve-prod
will make you app public on our
production server.
The available deploy tasks are:
gulp deploy-test
gulp deploy-prod
gulp serve-test
gulp serve-prod
gulp pull-test
gulp pull-prod
Important: Before running any of these commands, make sure you've committed the latest changes to your app and pushed them to github.