CartoDB Generator for Yeoman
This is a yeoman generator that will quickly set up the perfect dev environment to make maps and visualizations with CartoDB APIs and client-side library.
First, install yo, then the yo CartoDB generator :
npm i -g yo generator-cartodb
Run the CartoDB generator:
yo cartodb
Answer the few questions asked by the CLI, then tada ! You get a lightweight but complete dev environment (see below). Then, you can run the local web server :
npm start
Features :
- a simple local web server
- files watch + live reload
- js linting (eslint)
- one of the starting templates
- optional: a gist created for you
- optional: es6 to es5 (babel)
- optional: postCSS (for now only has autoprefixer)
npm is used as the task runner (see scripts section in package.json)
Filenames are optimized to appear in a nice order on gists/bl.ocks
Todo :
- add more postCss plugins
- automatic thumbnail generation for bl.ocks?