Scaffolds a standard Symfony2 application with Yeoman. A generator-joli-symfony fork/clone without grunt and gulp, only brunch. Add post-css & browserSync, Foundation-sites & KNACSS frameworks.
Brunch Symfony - Symfony2
Initialy forked from generator-joli-symfony by Laurent Brunet [email protected] 👍
- Remove grunt and gulp, only brunch can survive !
- Add post-css & browserSync
- Add Foundation Sites & Knacss as alternatives to Bootstrap Sass
- Overwrite basic html.twig files after Sensio zip download
I remove too much things to pretend this project can be pull-requested, so it is not forked anymore on my github account. Anyway, big thanks to initiator's guys. Now this project live on it's own. It was make for a very special and limited purpose, so I cannot say if it will be updated frequently.
What it does
generator-brunch-symfony is a Yeoman Generator to scaffold Symfony2 projects with sensible defaults, common bundles and frontend tools.
It will create a new Symfony project, remove Assetic and replace it with Brunch.
Mandatory dependencies :
What you can choose
Symfony 2 Standard Edition:
- The list of versions of symfony is available here
- sass-brunch
- postcss-brunch postcss is coming with autoprefixer & csswring
- uglify-js-brunch
- babel-brunch
- browser-sync-brunch
Front-end framework:
Default workflow
- Installs Symfony
- Removes Assetic for versions lower than 2.8
- Starts the automatic execution of
after scaffolding has finished.
Assets location
Assets are stored in the app/Resources/ folder :
- app/Resources/scss
- app/Resources/assets/fonts
- app/Resources/...
Getting Started
Install all the stuff with Yo generator.
- Install:
npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli gulp
- Install:
npm install -g generator-brunch-symfony
In the working dir you want :
- Run:
yo brunch-symfony --force
Now all the files and folders are alive.
In your working folder root previoulsy generated :
- Run:
php bin/console server:run
Now Symfony is running on it's own server (localhost:8000)
- Run (same folder, in other terminal window) :
brunch watch
Now BrowserSync is alive, open browser tab on the local port BS running (:3000 by default)
Front-end ?
I am not a Back-end engineer. I have poor knowledge of Symfony (just that the Front engineer need to know about, that's all), but I know Twig templating engine and I love it. This project is Front-end oriented, because as you surely know IRL the client has already made his choice : Symfony or burst ! Here we can work in -almost- real environment. Maybe, if communication is enabled between Back and Front guy's (Hello Slack) then we can work on same repo ? 🎏 Dreams are not so unreal…
- Frontend stuff is located in app/Resources/[js, scss, views, assets].
- Brunch auto generate builded assets to web/[js, css] and copy app/Resources/assets/ content directly in web folder root.
- BrowserSync watch any modifications in web/[js, css] & app/Resources/views, auto inject or reload page according to the case.
In sum, this not the place to experienced advanced Javascript stuffs. As I know, Symfony is a really good performer to do complex things even it's in server side because of it's fabulous cache systems modules addons. So you can experienced strong and modern CSS, improve HTML5 wellformed architecture, etc. but don't expect to walk on the moon 👽 with JS here, I think.
Feel free to fork, or clone for a new start. I really don't know if I can maintain this project for weeks and weeks. Initially it was made for a very special limited case and obviously for testing myself.