Erect the scaffolding for a Node.js, Microsoft Bot Framework app using Yeoman
This Yeoman Generator creates the scaffolding of a Node.js app leveraging the Microsoft Bot Framework, LUIS and Application Insights, helping you focus on delivering a great conversational experience rather than the setup process.
You will need to provide pointers to some Azure services during the setup process, so look at the comprehensive Setup Guide as you walk through the generator. That document is long with screen-shots, so if you're familiar with Azure try the TL;DR Guide which is much shorter.
This app delivers the skeleton of a bot, and includes the following:
- a .gitignore, preventing sensitive data (contained in .vscode\launch.json) being published to a public repo
- a .vscode\launch.json file containing your keys and passwords as environment variables, so you can run your bot locally
- a package.json with all the requirements for Bot Framework, LUIS and Application Insights
- an app.js Bot you can run locally in VS Code or remotely as an Azure Web App
Getting started
You will need:
- VS Code installed to edit the app.js, and run the Bot locally in debug mode. It's available for Windows, Mac and Linux
- The Bot Framework Emulator
- Node.js v4.0.x or better
- yo installed:
npm install -g yo
- The botscaffold generator:
npm install -g generator-botscaffold
Running the Generator
- Create a directory to hold your bot's code, and cd into it
- Run:
yo botscaffold
- Follow along in the Setup Guide or the TL;DR version
- Test your Bot with the Bot Framework Emulator
I've been building a lot of Node.js apps using the Microsoft Bot Framework. This generator scaffolds a new app with a common structure and template files, saving a ton of time.
Feel free to create an Issue. Pull requests are encouraged.
- Hat tip to PurpleBooth's README-Template