beFlex Content Docker Installer
beFlex Content Docker Installer
- [x] beflex-content-repository
- [x] solr6
- [x] share
- [x] postgres
- [x] beflex-content-app
- [x] zeppelin (report)
- [x] nginx (proxy)
This program has following dependencies:
- Node.js
- Yeoman
You can download and install Node.js
from official web page:
Or you can use any of the package managers provided by the product:
Once Node.js is installed, you can install Yeoman as a module:
$ npm install -g yo
And finally, you can install this generator:
$ npm install --global generator-beflex-content-docker-installer
Deployment is provided for Docker Compose, so following dependencies must be satisfied by the server used to run the generated configuration:
- Docker
- Docker Compose
You can install Docker Desktop for Windows or Mac and Docker Server for Linux.
You need also to add Docker Compose program to your installation.
Create a folder where Docker Compose template files are going to be produced and run the generator.
$ mkdir docker-compose
$ cd docker-compose
$ yo beflex-content-docker-installer
Several options are provided in order to build the configuration.
? Which ACS version do you want to use (6.2 is EA only)? 6.1
Currently Alfresco Community 6.1 is final, but 6.2 is stil Early Access. If you are planning a longer evaluation, don't use 6.2 by now.
? How may GB RAM are available for Alfresco (8 is minimum required)? 8
Alfresco platform could work with less than 8 GB RAM, but it's recommended to provide at least 8 GB in your Docker server. This generator will limit the amount of memory for every service in order to match your resources.
? Are you using different languages (this is the most common scenario)? Yes
By default, many organisations are storing document in different languages or the users are accessing the platform with browser configured in different languages. If this is your case, enable this configuration.
? Select the addons to be installed:
JavaScript Console 0.6 :
Order of the Bee Support Tools :
Alfresco Permission 1.18 :
A small catalog of trusted addons is provided by default, but you can install any other using the deployment folders.
? Do you want to install beFlex Content Report (zeppelin)? Yes
Zeppelin must be installed.
Deploying additional addons
If you want to deploy additional addons, use deployment folders for Alfresco and Share services.
├── alfresco
│ ├── modules > Deployment directory for addons
│ │ ├── amps > Repository addons with AMP format
│ │ └── jars > Repository addons with JAR format
└── share
└── modules > Deployment directory for addons
├── amps > Share addons with AMP format
└── jars > Share addons with JAR format
Using Docker Compose
Once the files have been generated, review that configuration is what you expected and add or modify any other settings. After that, just start Docker Compose.
$ docker login
$ docker-compose up --build --force-recreate -d
You can shutdown it at any moment using following command.
$ docker-compose down
Following folder structure is generated when Docker Compose is running. Depending on the configuration selected, some folders cannot be available in your server.
├── alfresco > DOCKER
│ ├── Dockerfile > Docker Image for Alfresco Repository
│ ├── bin > [OCR] Shell script to communicate with OCR Service
│ ├── modules > Deployment directory for addons
│ │ ├── amps > Repository addons with AMP format
│ │ └── jars > Repository addons with JAR format
│ └── ssh > [OCR] Shared key to communicate with OCR Service
├── config > CONFIGURATION
| ├── app.config.json > beFlex Content App configuration
│ ├── nginx.conf > Web Proxy configuration
│ └── nginx.htpasswd > Password to protect the access to Solr Web Console
├── data > DATA STORAGE (it's recommend to perform a backup of this folder)
│ ├── alf-repo-data > Content Store for Alfresco Repository
│ ├── postgres-data > Internal storage for database
│ ├── solr-data > Internal storage for SOLR
│ ├── zeppelin-conf > Internal storage for zeppelin config
│ └── zeppelin-data > Internal storage for zeppelin data
├── docker-compose.yml > Main Docker Compose template
├── logs > LOGS
│ ├── alfresco > Alfresco Repository logs
│ ├── postgres > PostgreSQL database logs
│ └── share > Share Web Application logs
├── search > SOLR
│ └── Dockerfile > Docker Image for SOLR
└── share > SHARE
├── Dockerfile > Docker Image for Share
└── modules > Deployment directory for addons
├── amps > Share addons with AMP format
└── jars > Share addons with JAR format
Service URLs
Default credentials
- user: admin
- password: admin
Default credentials
- user: admin
- password: admin
Default credentials
- user: admin
- password: admin
Default credentials
- user: admin
- password: admin
Default credentials
- user: admin
- password: admin
beFlex Content Report (zeppelin)